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Press Freedom

62 posts

Resource Video

GIJC23 – FOIA/RTI Investigations

More than half of the world’s countries have laws that require officials to supply public documents on request. These laws offer valuable windows for reporters, even for those outside of a country’s borders. But there are almost always tricks to targeting and expediting these disclosures, and this panel brings deep experience in how to do […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigations to Save Democracy

If there was just one panel to attend at GIJC23, this might be it. We’re witnessing a global assault on democratic institutions and a sustained global decline in democracies. Investigative journalism, in partnership with civil society, has emerged as a last line of defense for human rights and democratic principles in countries around the world — even where we thought we were secure. This panel features giants in the push-back against fascism and authoritarianism. We have an extraordinary lineup — Lina Attalah, Vinod Jose, and David Cay Johnston. — who will offer inspiration and tools to fight for a free and accountable future.

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Plenary: Watchdog Journalism in the Age of Digital Subversion (Panel)

Following Ron Deibert’s keynote, we have an all-star panel of journalists on the front lines of the digital war being waged against watchdog media. Moderator Sheila Coronel will lead an hour-long discussion about what it’s like to have your newsroom invaded, your sources exposed, and your actions tracked every day. We’ve asked noted journalists from […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – 40 Years of Cross-Border Muckraking: Where It All Began

Today, we take for granted large-scale, collaborative cross-border investigative reporting. Not only at the global scale, but across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, networks of investigative journalists have made the extraordinary almost routine. But this relatively new field has deep roots, going back to a series of little-known meetings in the 1980s, […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Fighting Back Against SLAPPs & Other Legal Threats

Journalists are facing a worldwide legal assault from a growing arsenal of abused laws, from national security and emergency edicts to libel and privacy statutes. Harassment lawsuits, while always a threat, have mushroomed in use by the rich and powerful to silence watchdog reporting. SLAPP suits (“strategic lawsuits against public participation”), are one variant and […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Plenary: Watchdog Journalism in the Age of Digital Subversion (keynote)

Our keynote speaker this year is Ron Deibert, director of the groundbreaking Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. Deibert was among the first to sound the alarm about a global information security crisis — warning that the digital revolution would spark a new era of surveillance, censorship, and disinformation. Deibert’s interdisciplinary team at Citizen […]

Press Freedom Reporting Tools & Tips

Avoiding Censorship: How to Move Anonymously on the Internet

The methods and tools that governments employ to censor and control the internet, and the tools and ways to get around censorship, are a constantly shifting battleground. But there is a set of evergreen best practices and helpful software that are useful.

Document of the Day News & Analysis Press Freedom

Freedom House: Global Freedom Declines for 17th Year

The 2023 edition of the Freedom in the World report, produced by US nonprofit Freedom House, was released today. This is the 50th year of the study, which tracks global trends and compiles individual country reports on political rights and liberties.