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Social Media

41 posts

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigating Social Media: Telegram, Twitter, & WhatsApp

This workshop might just emerge as the one that changes your life as a watchdog journalist. Misinformation and disinformation on “closed” social media networks — such as WhatsApp and Telegram – have already had devastating consequences for democratic processes in places like India, Nigeria, Russia, and Brazil. At first glance, some platforms may seem impenetrable, […]

Getting Started in Investigative Journalism Methodology

Tips For Backgrounding Unknown Subjects in Time-Critical Situations

Investigative projects are often likened to marathons. But, every now and then, watchdog reporters need to sprint. In a recent IRE23 conference session, experts shared tips on how to unearth background facts about little-known people on short notice. 

Tips Increasing impact investigations

Methodology Reporting Tools & Tips

Tips to Amplify Investigative Impact

Impact experts say there are several ways to help direct the attention of change-makers — as well as other media — to your key findings, and even nudge them to action.

Reporting Tools & Tips

New Investigative Tools for Monitoring Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are among the most difficult sites to scrape for data across the internet. A recent session at NICAR23 unveiled several dynamic new tools — including Junkipedia, a possible CrowdTangle replacement — that can perform a wealth of social media monitoring tasks, from tracking down who is behind harmful ads to identifying conspiracy groups or influencers spreading disinformation.