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Reporting Tools & Tips

Investigative Dashboard Relaunches

Participants at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference last week got a preview of the newly redesigned Investigative Dashboard, a research tool to help journalists get access to business records around the world. Developed by GIJN member Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, this week OCCRP formally launched ID at the Conflict in a Connected World conference sponsored by Google Ideas, which has supported development of the new tool.

Arab Muckrakers Flock to Rio

Journalists from across the Middle East and North Africa flocked to Rio for the Global Investigative Journalism Conference (#GIJC13), joining more than than 1,300 colleagues from 90 countries. Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) brought its largest-ever delegation to the global conference with 16 fellows and members speaking and networking on covering conflict, terrorism, fraud, and more.

Global Shining Light Award Winners Announced at GIJC13

Journalists from Azerbaijan, South Africa, and Pakistan were honored with the fifth Global Shining Light Award at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro Monday night. The prize honors investigative journalism conducted in a developing or transitioning country, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions. The award drew 65 submissions from 28 countries.

New Nieman Report Released on Cross-Border Muckraking

In conjunction with the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University has published a new e-book, Muckraking Goes Global: The Future of Cross-Border Investigative Journalism, that may be of interest to you and your colleagues. The publication includes a number of articles that address many of the challenges faced by watchdog journalists worldwide today.

GIJC13 Opens in Rio! Check Conference Site for Coverage

More than 1300 journalists from 87 countries have flocked to Rio de Janeiro for the 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference this weekend. This is the largest ever international gathering of investigative journalists, and there’s lots of excitement, networking, and big stories in the air. For coverage of the 150 panels, workshops, and special events, check out our website,

Coming to GIJC13 in Rio? Here’s What You Need to Know

The Global Investigative Journalism Conference is getting close! We have more than 800 journalists from more than 80 countries heading to Rio, and we’re delighted you’re joining us. We’ve compiled a list of useful information for everyone.


The Journalist Survival Guide

Journalists face some unique problems keeping their data and communications secure in the digital environment. This tends to be especially true when doing investigations, working in war zones or traveling in unfamiliar terrain. If these are concerns for you, The Journalist Survival Guide has your back — or, more precisely, offers insights and expertise on how you can protect yourself, your sources, your data and digital equipment. Good stuff to know about because it can get dangerous out there.

GIJN Membership Meeting: Background and Key Issues

The Steering Committee of the Global Investigative Journalism Network — consisting of representatives of GIJN’s member organizations — will gather for its biennial meeting at the 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro on October 14. The meeting is open, but voting will be limited to a single representative from each of GIJN’s member organizations. GIJN’s membership includes 91 nonprofits, NGOs, and educational institutions in 41 countries. Its missions include sponsoring global and regional conferences, training, and promoting best practices in investigative and data journalism.

Your Guide to GIJC13

Ready for Rio? We’ve got more than 800 journalists from 75 countries descending on Rio de Janeiro in three weeks — for the 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference. Want to join us? There’s still plenty of room, and registration is open. Follow this story for links to register, navigate the conference site, and check the program for the big event, packed with 150 panels, workshops, and special events.

Eight Finalists Named for Global Shining Light Award

Eight finalists have been selected for consideration in the fifth Global Shining Light Award, a unique prize which honors investigative journalism in a developing or transitioning country, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions. The award will be announced and presented at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference this October 14 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The winner will receive an honorary certificate and $1,000.

You did it! GIJN Crowdfunding Campaign Nears Finish Line

Great news! We not only reached our crowdfunding goal of raising $12,000 — we’ve now surpassed it. We’re already using those funds to bring three great young journalists to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference — from Myanmar, Nigeria, and Peru. Big thanks to everyone who helped. To date we’ve received an extraordinary 105 contributions from 22 countries.

News & Analysis

Why Investigative Journalism is Good News for News Business

I may have misled people for the last few years by saying that investigative journalism is not a business but a public service. Investigative journalism does, in fact, have commercial value. While investigative journalism may not produce the web traffic of popular topics, a media organization reaps intangible but valuable benefits. Jeff Bezos, for one, seems to appreciate that value.

Why Journalism Education Faces a Worrisome Future

If you want to study journalism, you have more choices today, at lower cost, and of higher quality than ever. Sometimes you will get that at a university and sometimes not. That represents a challenge for universities. In a lecture at a journalism conference in Puebla, Mexico, I described a personal experience taking a course in data visualization from one of the world leaders in the field, Alberto Cairo, author of “The Functional Art.” This kind of course represents a major challenge for universities, because their monopoly on expertise and certification is eroding. Just as occurred in the news business, competitors are emerging who are offering attractive alternatives.

Crowdfunding Campaign Update: Meet Our First Fellow

Our crowdfunding campaign is now 55% funded, all because of you — 66 amazing contributors in 19 countries. Thanks so much for your support. Here’s a look at what your generosity is making possible:

Meet our first fellow! Rosemary Nwaebuni is an investigative reporter with the POINTER newspaper in Delta State, Nigeria, an area known for its big oil production and widespread corruption. There’s no way she could have attended workshops at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference without your support.

New Site Launches for GIJC13!

The Global Investigative Journalism Conference is getting close! Today, exactly 45 days before the big event, we’re launching a new website for GIJC13. You’ll find the the provisional program for the conference, packed with nearly 150 panels, workshops, and seminars. There’s also a list of expected speakers, including Pulitzer Prize winners, top data journalism specialists, security experts, and reporters from the front lines in some of the toughest, most corrupt spots in the world. With our conference app Sched, you can log-on and create a personal agenda both on your desktop and mobile platforms.

You did it! You all funded the first investigative reporting fellowship

Huge thanks to all our contributors of our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. These first days have been intensely busy but rewarding, and we’re happy to say that the campaign is rolling. The global community of investigative journalists – and their supporters worldwide – have had an awesome response. So, we can officially announce that you all have funded the campaign’s first investigative reporting fellowship! But this is only the beginning, and we really need your help to bring more promising journalists.

Crowdfunding Campaign Launches for GIJC13

Today GIJN launches a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. And we need your help. We’re raising funds to bring promising journalists from developing and transitioning countries to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference this October, where they’ll get training in state-of-the-art investigative reporting, data journalism, and cross-border collaboration. This is a great way to help fight corruption and stand up for accountability and transparency around the world. You can read more about it on Indiegogo. And check out our campaign video, featuring investigative reporters on the front lines in Kenya, Macedonia, Pakistan, and Tunisia.

Member Profiles

Tactical Technology Video Looks at Investigative Journalism

The Tactical Technology Collective, a Berlin-based group of tech activists, is producing a series of web documentaries on “new forms of investigative journalism.” Its first video, Our Currency Is Information, takes a look at cross-border investigative techniques through the eyes of Romanian journalist Paul Radu. The accompanying website has a transcript of the full interview with Radu, plus a worthwhile resource page with digital tools for research, security, and data visualization.

Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald To Speak at GIJC13 in Rio

Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who since June has broken a series of stories on NSA spying, will be a featured speaker at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro this October. Greenwald will talk about government secrecy and his work uncovering the NSA’s global surveillance programs.