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Fact checking

41 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

Most Popular Resources on GIJN in 2019

GIJN’s ever-growing Resource Center added many new or substantially revamped guides this year, including packages on climate change, land ownership, women journalists, data journalism, tracking planes, and working with whistleblowers.

News & Analysis

A Brief Survey of China’s Social Media Trends and Tools for Countering Misinformation

Last week Twitter and Facebook suspended some accounts which originated in China and acted in a “coordinated fashion” with intent to disrupt the recent protests in Hong Kong. We asked Sophia Xu, a China-based social media specialist, to help us better understand the trends in Chinese social media, as well as how to counter fake news and disinformation in the country.

Data Journalism

GIJN’s Data Journalism Top 10: Populism Quiz, EU Fact-Checking, Twitter Data, GitHub 101

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 18 to 24 finds a collection of beautiful news graphics by Megan Jaegerman curated by statistician @EdwardTufte, @tagesanzeiger’s quiz testing readers’ level of populist leanings, a new collaborative fact-checking effort by the name of @FactcheckEU, and @briromer’s interesting piece on maps that break strict geography rules.

Reporting Tools & Tips

How Innovative Newsrooms Are Using Artificial Intelligence

Many in the journalistic profession fear Artificial Intelligence will leave them without a job. But AI could become the savior of the trade, making it possible to better cover the increasingly complex, globalized and information-rich world we live in. Open Society Foundations’ María Teresa Ronderos writes about the ways some of the world’s newsrooms are using it now.

News & Analysis

What the Experts Expect for Investigative Journalism in 2019

With the backlash against democracy and anti-press sentiment growing, the need for investigations around issues such as corruption and climate change continues to rise. GIJN asked the leaders of our global community about what they see happening in investigative journalism around the world in 2019. Here’s what they told us.

Reporting Tools & Tips

6 Fake News Techniques and Simple Tools to Vet Them

There are different ways fake news sites fake us out. In GIJN’s latest tutorial, Olga Yurkova, co-founder of the Ukrainian fact-checking project StopFake, runs through the six main techniques used and offers up some simple tools to vet them.

Reporting Tools & Tips

How to Fact-Check Politics in Countries with No Press Freedom

Starting a fact-checking organization in a country with limited media freedom is difficult, but not impossible. Some, like Rouhani Meter, which fact-checks Iran’s president, may have to operate from outside the country and be creative about how they distribute their content. Daniel Funke writes about fact-checkers who have found a way to work in less-than-friendly environments.