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Most Popular Resources on GIJN in 2019

GIJN’s ever-growing Resource Center added many new or substantially revamped guides this year, including packages on climate change, land ownership, women journalists, data journalism, tracking planes, and working with whistleblowers. We also published a detailed manual for citizen investigators, and another for indigenous journalists, in cooperation with the Native American Journalists Association. Some of these you can find translated other languages, including Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish.

We’ve now got over 1,000 items in the Resource Center, ranging from the latest reporting tools to guides to fundraising and launching a startup. We make an effort to keep everything updated, but let us know if anything is out of date. Send us suggestions at

Here, then, are the top 10 most popular resources this year, beginning with our ever-popular page on grants and fellowships!

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