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24 posts
CBC heat islands graphed by economic diversity

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Sweltering Cities, Digital Inequity, Climate & Sleep, COVID & Schools

As parts of the world endure record-breaking temperatures, a highlight from the world of data journalism this week involves an analysis of how “heat islands” in Canadian cities vary based on economic strata. Our weekly Top Ten in Data Journalism also looks at the global spread of Pegasus spyware, digital inequity in the US, and how the COVID-19 pandemic affects school children in Latin America.

NYT Maps Impact of Roe Abortion Ruling

Data Journalism News & Analysis

Data Journalism Top 10: Abortion Ban Burdens, China Surveillance, Heat Wave Threats, and Russia’s Degraded Army

This week’s Top 10 in Data Journalism looks at the impact of the Dobbs US Supreme Court ruling on travel time for women seeking an abortion in the US, China’s intensifying surveillance on its population, the impact of heat waves on fragile populations in Germany, the state of the Russian army after four months of war, and the gender inequity in speeches in the Zurich Parliament. 

News & Analysis

Five Inspiring Investigative Newsletters

Newsletters are popular because their offering is different from the information that is dangerously filtered and molded by social media giant’s random, opaque algorithms. GIJN has selected five original newsletters that can inspire journalists around the world.

News & Analysis

Editor’s Pick: 2020’s Best Investigative Stories in French

As part of our annual Editor’s Pick series, read on to discover the best investigations in French published this year and selected by GIJN French Editor Marthe Rubio and GIJN Francophone Africa Editor Maxime Domegni.  

How They Did It News & Analysis

How They Did It: Tracking Down a Rwandan Genocide Suspect

A French freelance journalist tracked down a man accused of being involved in Rwanda’s 1994 genocide. Here’s how French journalist Théo Englebert delved into the eight-month investigation, including his top tips for finding someone who wants to disappear. 

News & Analysis

In Benin, Journalist Sentenced to 18 Months for Publishing 3 Tweets

Investigative journalist Ignace Sossou was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined  $338 for “harassment ” by a court in Benin. His crime? Sossou posted three tweets quoting the country’s public prosecutor, who had been speaking candidly about digital regulations.