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Investigating Institutions

30 posts

Chapter Guide Resource

GIJC23 – The New Organized Crime

Organized crime today is fluid, transnational, enterprising, and an estimated trillion-dollar industry. To talk about the state of 21st Century organized crime, we have an extraordinary panel of journalists with deep experience reporting on Mexico’s cartels, Italy’s mafias, and Asia’s Golden Triangle

Chapter Guide Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigating Elections

In this panel we bring together four veteran reporters who have investigated political campaigns and elections around the world.

Guide Resource

Researching Corporations and Their Owners

This resource was last updated in 2023 by GIJN’s Toby McIntosh and Emily O’Sullivan. Investigative journalists play a crucial role in holding corporations to account, and have revealed labor abuses, environmental violations, corporate impunity and other instances of malpractice through deep-dives into companies and their owners. However, government records on corporations often reveal only the […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Working with Hackers

Uyghur abuse and internment in China. Luxury properties in Austria owned by Belarus’s oil minister. Criminal exploitation of London’s company services industry. These investigations were all possible because of hacked data dumps. As a journalist, how do you negotiate with hackers or hacktivists? What questions do you ask? What are the ethical considerations? What are […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigating Food & Agriculture

There are numerous investigative topics to explore between the farmer’s field and the grocery store – and, indeed, the plate – and several recent projects have exposed abuses in the production, distribution, and access to food. This expert panel offers deep experience in issues from fisheries and pesticides to food security and biodiversity — with journalists based in Tunisia, the UK, the US, and Southeast Asia.

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Tracking Political Extremism

We are in the midst of a decade-long global backlash against democracy and human rights. A new extremism has taken hold, characterized by radical right-wing groups and ultranationalist political movements. These groups are not only growing but are becoming more organized. International ties among them are also growing — digitally, ideologically, financially — but their networks are poorly understood and investigative journalism in this area is lacking.

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Criminal States & Kleptocracies

With the end of the Cold War, intelligence agencies brainstormed about what the next great security threat would be. It turned out they didn’t have to look far: the global advent of kleptocracies and criminal states now threatens democracy and accountable government almost everywhere. Kleptocracies — government by theft — now dominate in much of […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Resources for Investigating Russia

Russia matters. A generation after the Cold War, Moscow still has thousands of nuclear weapons. By land mass, Russia is the world’s largest country, stretching from Europe to Asia and the Arctic, and it has influence over regional conflicts around the world — not just its disastrous invasion of Ukraine but in the Caucasus, Central […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigations to Save Democracy

If there was just one panel to attend at GIJC23, this might be it. We’re witnessing a global assault on democratic institutions and a sustained global decline in democracies. Investigative journalism, in partnership with civil society, has emerged as a last line of defense for human rights and democratic principles in countries around the world — even where we thought we were secure. This panel features giants in the push-back against fascism and authoritarianism. We have an extraordinary lineup — Lina Attalah, Vinod Jose, and David Cay Johnston. — who will offer inspiration and tools to fight for a free and accountable future.

Guide Resource

Asset Disclosure

Required disclosures by public officials about their income and assets can be invaluable to investigative journalists. And information about wealth and its sources can play a vital role in uncovering corruption. Official filings are often the starting point for classic follow-the-money stories. However, disclosure laws have gaps, so the public records don’t always reveal the […]

Resource Video

What Is Washington Doing in Your Country? – GIJN Masterclass

The US government engages with virtually every country in the world and in multiple ways. These can include Presidential and Congressional activity, foreign assistance, criminal investigations, public and private financial transactions, lobbying, arms sales — and much more. In this online Masterclass, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Martha Mendoza is in conversation with GIJN’s David Kaplan. Mendoza […]

Resource Video

How to Investigate a Billion-Dollar Corporate Fraud

Once a $30 billion global bluechip financial services and tech company, Germany’s Wirecard filed for insolvency in 2021 in what is one of the biggest corporate frauds of the modern era. The tenacious and prolonged investigative reporting by the Financial Times, helped to uncover widespread fraud, malpractice and negligence. Dan McCrum, a senior Financial Times […]

Resource Video

How to Investigate Elections

The state of democracy is at its lowest point in decades. Around the world, free and fair elections face growing threats from disinformation campaigns, foreign interference, voter suppression, campaign corruption, violence, intimidation, and more. Covering elections as a political “horse race” has never been enough. This approach to campaign reporting is even more inadequate today, […]

Chapter Guide Resource

15 Tips for Investigating War Crimes

Reporting violations in an active conflict, previously a daunting and life threatening task, has now become easier thanks to open-source reporting techniques, which provide investigative journalists much greater ability to investigate war crimes as they happen.

Resource Tipsheet

Tips to Uncover the Spy Tech Your Government Buys

In June, a French court indicted executives from two surveillance companies on charges of complicity in torture in Libya and Egypt, following revelations by journalists about their alleged technology sales to repressive regimes. In a series of interviews, investigative reporters shared tips and tools that newsrooms around the world can use to uncover the spyware and monitoring systems their governments are buying.