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14 posts Map of Russian lobbists

Data Journalism Data Journalism Top 10

Editor’s Pick: Top 10 Data Journalism Projects from 2022

Throughout 2022, journalists have used data projects to track and assess the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ongoing impacts of climate change, and important political elections around the world. Here, GIJN selects our top 10 data journalism projects of the year, which also includes a look at the polarization of the COVID vaccines in the US, a historical analysis of how debt burdened Haiti for centuries, irregularities in Spanish caesarean delivery rates, and the privatization of UK’s water resources.

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Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Tonga’s Volcano, US Congress & Slavery, Mapping Ukraine, British Teeth

Many of the lawmakers who made up the historical ranks of the United States Congress had a personal relationship with slavery with more than 1,700 being slaveowners, according to an analysis by The Washington Post. Our weekly NodeXL curation of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter also features a visualization of the size of the Tonga eruption, an analysis of how Twitter is being used ahead of a high-stakes election in the Philippines, and a critique of some of the maps used to illustrate the situation on the Russia-Ukraine border amid fears of a military incursion.

News & Analysis

Tips for Reporting on Human Trafficking and Forced Labor

Slavery is not a vestige of the past, and according to UN data there are an estimated 40 million victims of modern slavery today. An all-star team of journalists, editors, and consultants who have investigated and exposed extraordinary cases of modern slavery and forced labor shared their stories and tips for reporters at GIJC21.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Using Earth Observation Data to Do Investigations from the Sky

The democratization of satellite technology and the entry of private companies into the field of space means it’s now possible to have access to high spatio-temporal data at a very minimal cost, leading to interesting investigative stories. In the coming years as the democratization of satellite technology gathers pace, more and more cases that had been undocumented or unreported will see the light of the day.


Resources for Finding and Using Satellite Imagery

Satellite are being used by journalists to report on conflicts, climate change, refugees, forest fires, illegal mining, oil spills, deforestation, slavery and many other topics. GIJN’s resource page provides official sources for free satellite images and links to experts who can advise on finding images, using them, handling technical issues and more.


Key Terms

Full guide here. العربية Forced labor, human trafficking and undocumented migration are prevalent across the globe. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, specific and shared characteristics of labor and migration laws and practices facilitate forced labor and human trafficking. Definitions Forced Labor. All work or service which […]


Statistics and Studies: Where is the Data?

Full guide here. العربية Data on human trafficking, forced labor and irreegular migration is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Incidents are reported regularly, but this information tends to be scattered across media outlets, government reports and the publications of civil society organizations. For journalists willing to put in the hours, rich data can […]

Case Studies

“100 Years of Bondage” — Investigating Slavery in the Amazon

For generations, the workers in the Brazilian Amazon who cut the palm straw used for brooms have been functionally enslaved by a system of loans provided by the bosses. Thais Lazzeri, an investigative reporter for Repórter Brasil, had to win their trust as she delved deeply into this topic for her October 2017 article, “100 Years of Bondage” which was beautifully illustrated with photographs by Fernando Martinho.