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402 posts

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Freelancing Survival Tips

Freelancing is a tough job; investigative freelancing is even harder. But it also brings independence and the ability to pick your projects. Here are tips from journalists from four countries with decades of experience in working on their own. ———————– The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations that support the […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Exiled Media: Survival Strategies

The recent rise of nakedly autocratic regimes has ballooned the number of independent newsrooms forced to report from exile. These watchdogs-in-exile have shown enterprise and innovation in providing critical news to the homeland. But good journalism is not enough. It’s hard enough to succeed in the media back home, but how do exiled media survive […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Don’t Get Stuck in Side Tracks – Get a Plan

In this presentation, we will methodically guide you through the investigative process and show how to succeed with your project without getting lost along the way. Swedish journalists Emma Johansson and Jessica Ziegerer bring years of experience in investigative projects, both as reporters and editors. They work at the regional newspapers Helsingborgs Dagblad and Sydsvenskan, […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Developing a Business Strategy (Part 2)

Did you know that most start-ups fail? That includes well-meaning non-profit news outlets. What’s often missing is a business strategy. Developing a viable and effective business plan is essential for media organizations, a necessary foundation for sustainability and growth — indeed, for an organization’s very survival. Join this workshop to hear how to do it […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Developing a Business Strategy (Part 1)

Investigative journalism can’t survive without sustainable media organizations. Many were hard hit by changing business models and the loss of advertising revenue, and then the media was hit again during the pandemic, despite record-breaking audiences. What revenue options are currently the most viable and why, and how do we develop methods that will lead to […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Dealing with Online Harassment

Online harassment of investigative journalists who identify as women has reached crisis proportions. In addition to gendered trolling, discrimination, and doxxing, women reporters are disproportionately the targets of intimidation and even direct physical threats on social media. See this experienced and courageous panel to learn about the effective resources that now exist to not only […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Crowd Driven Journalism: Using Communities to Investigate

One of the great spin-offs of the digital age is that journalists can tap into crowds and communities in ways unimaginable only a few years ago. Local communities are reporting impactful stories, providing tips and resources, and bolstering the finances of watchdog media around the world. Here are journalists from remarkably diverse environments — Malaysia, […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Criminal States & Kleptocracies

With the end of the Cold War, intelligence agencies brainstormed about what the next great security threat would be. It turned out they didn’t have to look far: the global advent of kleptocracies and criminal states now threatens democracy and accountable government almost everywhere. Kleptocracies — government by theft — now dominate in much of […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – The New Organized Crime

Organized crime today is fluid, transnational, enterprising, and an estimated trillion-dollar industry. Criminal syndicates have embraced globalization and high-tech, fueled by the global spread of corruption and kleptocracy. Entire nation states and multinational corporations function as what anti-racketeering laws refer to as a continuing criminal enterprise. Issues ranging from the environment to human rights depend […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Best Investigations on Russia’s War on Ukraine

The challenges for journalists covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are massive — from the obvious dangers of reporting on the ground amid an armed conflict, to trying to investigate during a state of emergency, where disinformation is widespread and independent media is either banned or barely tolerated. In this panel, we bring together three senior […]