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This Week’s Top 10 in Data Journalism

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from January 29 to February 4 finds an @UpshotNYT analysis of the influence of Trump’s tweeting on Republicans’ attitudes towards the NFL, a new font typeface made out of human silhouettes created by @albertocairo,  and a fun Graphic Continuum card set by @jschwabish and @dataviz_catalog to use in the classroom.

Trump’s Tweeting Influence

The New York Times analyzed the influence Trump’s tweets attacking the National Football League had among his voters, and showed that how Republicans say they feel about the NFL depends a lot on how long it’s been since Trump last put the issue of player protests in the national spotlight.

Wee People Font

Alberto Cairo created a font made out of human silhouettes. See how you can use it in a data visualization to illustrate a story.

Fun with Cards

The Graphic Continuum Card Set is a set of 52 flash cards which are grouped into six categories: distribution, time, comparing categories, geospatial, part-to-whole and relationships. Use them for teaching, researching or spurring your imagination.

Text-Data-Driven Stories

Current John S Knight fellow Barbara Maseda is asking for your help in creating a public database of stories based on the analysis of text collections. She hopes the details about the production of these stories, especially the software and approaches used, could be a valuable reference for other journalists.

Wire Service for Charts

The Datawrapper River platform is a collection of charts that newsrooms can use in their publications, for free. Data sources like statistics organizations can publish their findings for easy reuse by potentially hundreds of news sites. Think of it as a wire service for charts.

Flourish DataViz Tool

Have you tried Flourish yet? It’s a a platform for non-coders to easily make compelling infographics. After playing with Flourish’s beta for a few weeks, dataviz expert Alberto Cairo liked it so much he recorded an informal video tutorial. Check out his recommendation post below.

Data New Year Resolutions

Marianne Bouchart from the Global Editors Network gathered 12 data experts to put together a list of resolutions for 2018, from the essential — mastering Excel — to things to try out.

Visual Vocabulary

The Financial Times’ Visual Vocabulary chart is an evergreen. It assists designers and journalists with selecting “optimal symbology” for data visualizations, making them more effective alongside text. The poster is also available in Japanese and both traditional and simplified Chinese.

Security Tools

ICIJ’s Spencer Woodman lists five security tools that are most commonly recommended for reporters, news organizations as well as their sources.

Offshore Leaks Database Tutorials

ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks Database, with data on more than 680,000 entities and 600,000 directors and shareholders, is a starting point for investigating activities offshore. ICIJ has written three tutorials on how to search and maximize the use of its database.

Thanks, once again, to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them.

For a look at Marc Smith’s mapping on #ddj on Twitter, check out this map.

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