Investigative Tips on Video: Now in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish
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Early last month we launched a new video series on investigative reporting techniques — From the Experts: Tips and Tools for Investigations. We interviewed specialists in public records, data journalism, online search strategy, fact-checking and more for ten videos. We’ve been adding them week by week to GIJN’s growing Resource Center.
We’re pleased to announce an important addition to this set of mini-seminars: GIJN’s regional editors have translated them into four languages — Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and Russian — with new releases scheduled over the next 10 weeks.
These videos are part of a broader effort to expand GIJN’s investigative journalism resources to our YouTube channel, which is already more than 250 videos strong. The series so far has been well received, with over 35,000 viewings and 170 hours watched on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
To kick off our multilingual offerings, below are the subtitled translations of the first video in the series, in which GIJN’s executive director, David Kaplan, explains how investigative reporters define their craft.
العربية | 中文 | Русский | Español
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