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3 posts


Guides to Finding Expert Sources

Looking for sources? Finding experts in a particular field is a good place to start for many stories. GIJN took a look at various guides to expert sources. After cutting those that are outdated, too specialized, or tools of the PR industry, we found a handful worth consulting. Here are six services with functioning, reliable databases used by journalists searching for expert sources.

Investigative Tips on Video: Now in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish

Early this February, we launched a new series on investigative tips and tools to add to our Resource Center for journalists worldwide who want to dig deeper and ask tougher questions. Now, this compact set of crash seminars featuring leading experts with insights on how to better investigate has been translated into four additional languages and will be released over the coming weeks.

Reporting Tools & Tips

From the Experts: Tips and Tools for Investigations

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out our new video series on investigative tips and tools. This compact set of crash seminars features leading experts with insights on what investigative journalism is, as well as how to follow public records, investigate with data, understand financial records and the best online search strategies.