Data Journalism’s Top Ten
What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from July 24 to 30 has @qz comparing the cost of Trump’s golf trips to transgender healthcare, @visualisingdata sharing a chart-making directory and graphics guru @EdwardTufte applying Ezra Pound’s 23 “don’ts” for writing poetry to design.
Trump’s Golf Trips vs. Trans-Soldier Healthcare
Quartz pointed out a flaw in the conservative argument that letting transgenders serve in the military was a tremendous medical cost burden and disruption. It highlighted that Trumps’s six months of Mar-a-Lago trips is likely to cost more than a year of U.S. military transgender health care.
Cost of trips to Mar-a-Lago & Bedminster golf course: estimated $29m
Trans troops’ healthcare: $2.4m – $8.4m https://t.co/pHYOH1El9a
— ProPublica (@ProPublica) July 27, 2017
Data Literacy Activity Matrix
Staff at the School of Data realized their expectations of — and the actual value of — data literacy events were mismatched. They came up with a matrix that shows the benefits of each short term or long term activity.
Rethinking #dataliteracy: how useful is your 2-day training? . @SchoolOfData https://t.co/F8zQyfbvsC #ddj #vg #dj #dataviz #research pic.twitter.com/KMp3poaX5K
— Pınar DağⓋ (@pinardag) July 29, 2017
The Chartmaker Directory
Which tool do you need to make that chart? Andy Kirk answers that question in his directory. It’s Kirk’s attempt to gather a catalog of references of what charts can be made using which tools and, where necessary, how.
If you missed it yesterday, THE CHARTMAKER DIRECTORY was released https://t.co/zCyf0ALKMv & here’s the launch post https://t.co/iRFbdJV4nv pic.twitter.com/tQbguwvTFM
— Andy Kirk (@visualisingdata) July 26, 2017
All-in-One: Writer, Coder, Designer
Digital journalist Benjamin Cooley shares tips and the lessons he learned from writing, coding and designing his own longform data-driven feature story.
From @bnj_cooley, fascinating account from my perspective of teacher assessing students on this!https://t.co/woR8HeJh6Y
— Basile Simon (@basilesimon) July 31, 2017
Digging into Data Journalism
The Associated Press recently updated its AP Stylebook with a new data journalism chapter. Interactive Newsroom Technology editor Troy Thibodeaux explains how data journalism has evolved and why data skills are essential for every reporter.
Digging into data journalism. Q&A with @AP Interactive Newsroom Technology Editor @tthibo on our blog: https://t.co/6NpXVK9nDc
— AP CorpComm (@AP_CorpComm) June 26, 2017
Q&A on Dataviz
ProPublica’s Lena Groeger shares her favorite data visualization challenges and her data toolkit. This Q&A by Columbia Journalism Review is the second of a series of interviews with visual journalists who write code and work with data.
Another excellent interview by @jonkeegan: @ProPublica‘s @lenagroeger https://t.co/Q6z3cF9LPm #dataviz #infographics #ddj pic.twitter.com/9b9SkzqCMQ
— Alberto Cairo (@albertocairo) July 24, 2017
Using Data to (Re)build Trust in Media
Data journalist Eva Constantaras writes on data journalism as a powerful force in developing countries — by revealing inequalities in health, education and justice journalists can not only inform citizens but also rebuild trust in the media.
Western #datajournalism missed chance to restore faith in media. What we can learn from #ddj in developing countries https://t.co/LMKYv7rBDe pic.twitter.com/L8tJeOxjj8
— Eva Constantaras (@EvaConstantaras) July 28, 2017
What Is Quality Open Data?
Data Journalism Turkey (Veri Gazeteciliği Türkiye) lists seven key characteristics of good quality open data — including consistency and having a policy.
İyi Kalite Açık Veri Nedir? #açıkveri #opendata #vg #dj #ddj #dataviz #gooddata https://t.co/SGcQ3py7VG pic.twitter.com/T67y28J788
— Veri Gazeteciliği TR (@DagmedyaVeri) July 28, 2017
Ezra Pound’s “Don’ts” For Writing Poetry
Does Ezra Pound’s list of 23 “don’ts” for writing poetry relate to design thinking? Graphics guru Edward Tufte thinks so. The rules state that each verse should be lean and purposeful, with no frills or filler to provide padding.
relevant to #writing #design #ddj Ezra Pound’s List “Do’s” + “Don’ts” For Writing #Poetry https://t.co/WInTl8X9Sj #designthinking— Edward Tufte (@EdwardTufte) July 23, 2017
Digital Humanities + Data Journalism
This symposium at the University of Miami, held from September 14-16, 2017, will see plenty of lectures and tutorials about shared data types, visualization methods and data communication. There will also be opportunities for casual conversation and networking.
Designing the print program for #digitalHumanities+#dataJournalism #ddj Symposium (https://t.co/0R8f4jd5aw) So many great speakers! pic.twitter.com/NpRfyoU8hX
— Alberto Cairo (@albertocairo) July 27, 2017
Thanks, once again, to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them.