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Reporter's Guide to Investigating War Crimes E-Book
Reporter's Guide to Investigating War Crimes E-Book


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Download: GIJN Reporter’s Guide to Investigating War Crimes

GIJN Launches First E-Book — Reporter’s Guide to Investigating War Crimes

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GIJN’s comprehensive, 16-chapter Reporter’s Guide to Investigating War Crimes includes expert advice from more than two dozen specialists and journalists, covering everything from the legal aspects of war, attacks on civilians, conflict-related sexual violence, environmental crimes, banned weapons, genocide, forced disappearances, archiving evidence, open source research, military command structures, tracing war criminals, documenting with photo and video, physical and digital security best practices, and self-care for covering traumatic events.

To better share this unprecedented investigative reporting resource, GIJN has now published the online guide as its first-ever e-book. It is now available on multiple online book platforms (see below) for immediate download at a nominal fee.

Note: All of GIJN’s resources, including this guide, are available for free on our website. However, because the above online booksellers do not allow e-books to be distributed for free, we have set a nominal fee for downloading, most of which will go to supporting GIJN and our efforts to advocate for investigative journalism around the world.

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