GIJC23 – Best Practices in Teaching Data Journalism to Professionals and Students
Programs to train and teach investigative reporting have spread worldwide, but how effective are different methods and styles? For this panel, we bring together educators and trainers from diverse environments in France, Slovenia, South Korea, and the United States for a look at both traditional and innovative techniques.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among investigative and data journalists—with special attention to those from repressive regimes and marginalized communities.
Our key activities include:
Providing resources and networking services to investigative journalists worldwide;
Publishing in multiple languages and on multiple platforms the latest tools, techniques and opportunities for those in the field;
Helping organize and promote regional and international training conferences and workshops;
Assisting in the formation and sustainability of journalism organizations involved in investigative reporting and data journalism around the world;
Supporting and promoting best practices in investigative and data journalism;
Supporting and promoting efforts to ensure free access to public documents and data worldwide.
Find more information on our website: https://gijn.org