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40 posts

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Humanizing COVID Deaths, Coronavirus Searches, Climate Change Songs, Brazil’s Cursing Cabinet

The devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic can get lost in the mass of numbers presented. Journalists are working hard to humanize the data. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from May 18 to 24 finds The New York Times with a moving tribute to lives lost to COVID-19; Schema Design, the Google News Initiative, and Axios visualizing coronavirus-related Google searches; and The Atlantic revealing the US CDC conflated results of two types of coronavirus tests.

News & Analysis

What We’re Reading: F@%# the Pulitzer, Tough Questions for “Plandemic”, and the Ethics of Showing Your Work Pre-Pub

This week’s Friday 5, where we round up our favorite reads from around the online world in English, includes Meduza’s report on Russian editor Roman Badanin’s Pulitzer-charged rant against The New York Times, ProPublica’s sober response to the “Plandemic” viral video, and Poynter’s point about an ethics policy that includes guidelines for pre-publication source review.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Coronavirus Super-spreaders, Massive Unemployment, COVID-19 Life Expectancy, Violent Cops

Economies around the world have taken a big hit as countries implement lockdown measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from May 4 to 10 finds The New York Times looking into businesses that could be potential infection super-spreaders, and the alarmingly high unemployment rate, while German news media NDR and ZDF heute have examined lost life expectancy due to COVID-19 and the importance of intensive care beds. While Reuters published an important analysis into the use of little-known law that is increasingly being used to grant immunity to police who have used excessive force.

News & Analysis

What We’re Reading: The Problem with Preprints, Publishing’s Missing Money, and State-sponsored Misinformation Labels

This week’s Friday 5, where we round up our favorite reads from around the online world in English, delves into the perils of reporting on preprint research platforms, a snapshot of end-to-end digital advertising and publishing supply chains, and how the French government took down a “fake news” page after being accused of “overstepping its constitutional role and infringing on press freedoms.”

COVID-19’s Toll on Journalists: At Least 64 Dead in 24 Countries

Like health professionals, care givers, and other essential workers, journalists face heightened and grave health risks as they pursue crucial stories on the COVID-19 crisis. But measuring coronavirus deaths among media workers poses many of the same problems as counting true mortality figures in the general population. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a nonprofit focused on press freedom, recorded 64 deaths in 24 countries by May 5.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Social Distancing Interactive, Epidemic Modeling, Germany’s Low Death Rate, and Zuckerburg TikTok Video

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the production of various interactives, charts, and simulations by data journalists and citizens around the world. This week’s NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 23 to 29 finds The New York Times explaining the dangers of ending social distancing measures by Easter, Germany’s Der Spiegel and Der Tagesspiegel measuring traffic levels and COVID-19 cases respectively, the Tampa Bay Times monitoring the situation in Florida, Kevin Simler making an interactive simulation to explain how general epidemics unfold, and Mona Chalabi creating a viral TikTok video on Mark Zuckerberg’s donation to advance coronavirus research.

GIJN Webinar Series: Investigating the Pandemic

GIJN is pleased to introduce its first webinar in a series of free hour-long programs on COVID-19, featuring three veteran journalists: Gloria Riva, who covers health and business for Italy’s weekly l’Espresso, is reporting from the epicentre of one of the worst-hit countries; Joey Qi, GIJN’s Chinese editor, has chronicled the resurgence of investigative stories coming out of China and what journalists everywhere can learn from their experience; and Drew Sullivan, editor-in-chief of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Center, is focused on how criminal groups and corrupt officials may benefit from the pandemic.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: COVID-19’s Spread, Death Rates, and Curve Flattening; The Shape of Dreams; Transphobia Tracking

The attention of the global data journalism community remains very much tuned in to the developing COVID-19 pandemic, which is reflected in our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 16 to 22. The New York Times mapped the movements of millions of people to trace how the virus spread out from China, The Financial Times tracked how coronavirus case trajectories compare among countries, while Robert Kosara explains the brilliance of a “Flatten the Curve” cartoon.

Case Studies

Investigative Journalism on the COVID-19 Crisis

Journalists around the world are investigating many angles of the coronavirus pandemic. GIJN has collected some of the best reporting to date, hoping these 50 examples from 17 countries will inspire even more investigative journalism.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Tips for Journalists Covering COVID-19

It is difficult to fathom how far the novel virus might spread, and what the ultimate consequences will be. With all the uncertainties, journalists around the world are faced with the many challenges of covering the epidemic — including combating misinformation and health risks to reporters in the field — while not fueling panic.