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human trafficking

39 posts

Case Studies News & Analysis

Editor’s Pick: 2021’s Best Investigative Stories from Bangladesh

Over the last 12 months investigative journalists in Bangladesh uncovered cases of corruption, abuse of power, money laundering, and institutional negligence. The biggest topic last year, as in previous years, was corruption. But in picking the top stories of 2021, we also considered significance and novelty, the diversity of issues covered, impact, and a focus on the vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society as much as the depth and techniques used in any investigation.

Gulf Guide - Domestic Slave

Reporting on Migration in the Gulf: A Revised and Expanded GIJN Guide

There are 23 million migrant workers in the Gulf, but reporting in this region presents a series of unique and often difficult challenges for investigative journalists due to widespread restrictions on press freedom and threats to reporters’ security. GIJN and have collaborated to update this bilingual guide to educate journalists on best practices, tools, and country-specific resources for covering the subject, all against the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

News & Analysis

Tips for Reporting on Human Trafficking and Forced Labor

Slavery is not a vestige of the past, and according to UN data there are an estimated 40 million victims of modern slavery today. An all-star team of journalists, editors, and consultants who have investigated and exposed extraordinary cases of modern slavery and forced labor shared their stories and tips for reporters at GIJC21.

Organized Crime - Introduction main image

Organized Crime Reporting Tools & Tips

Investigating Organized Crime: A GIJN Guide

In concert with GIJC21’s panel on the “New Organized Crime,” GIJN has released a comprehensive, multi-part reporting guide to investigating organized crime around the world, looking at nine key areas: criminal finance, narcotics, arms trade, environmental crime, forced disappearances, cybercrime, mafia states, human trafficking, and art and antiquities. 


Investigating Human Trafficking, an Evil Hidden in Plain Sight

Human trafficking is a persistent and pervasive crime around the world, and a critical and impactful area for journalists to investigate. In this GIJN Original, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Martha Mendoza gives her tips for digging into the subject.

Organized Crime

GIJN Webinar: Investigating Human Trafficking

GIJN is pleased to present Investigating Human Trafficking, a webinar that will provide tips on how to dig into the two main types of human trafficking, sex exploitation and labor abuse, and discuss the best ways to cooperate with civil society groups that offer protection to victims of trafficking and slavery.

My Favorite Tools

My Favorite Tools with Pulitzer-Winning Reporter Martha Mendoza

For our series about journalists’ favorite tools, we spoke with AP’s Martha Mendoza, who has won Pulitzer prizes for her investigations on slavery in the fishing industry, and on a civilian massacre during the Korean War. She described some of the tools and methods she uses to investigate supply chains, including those that have led to shortages in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Global Shining Light Finalist: Warmongers (Egypt)

In the run-up to the 2019 Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg this September 26 to 29, we’re featuring one Global Shining Light Award finalist per day. Check out “Warmongers,” by ARIJ and Deutsche Welle.

Most Popular Resources on GIJN in 2018

GIJN is constantly on the lookout for the best tipsheets, reporting gudies, how-to stories, and videos, then collating and integrating it into ever-growing Resource Center. Following is a curated list of the top 10 most popular resources accessed by journalists on our site in 2018.