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14 posts
ProPublica report on Native American remains still found in universities and museums

Data Journalism Data Journalism Top 10

Data Journalism Top 10: Native American Remains, Disparities in French Education, and Caste Discrimination in India’s Academia

Our most popular data journalism stories of the week highlight a project cataloging Indigenous remains in the US that have yet to be repatriated, a look into the socioeconomic disparities between French school districts, a deep dive into how caste discrimination affects India’s academia, and a German examination of 100 years of student housing.

CBC heat islands graphed by economic diversity

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Sweltering Cities, Digital Inequity, Climate & Sleep, COVID & Schools

As parts of the world endure record-breaking temperatures, a highlight from the world of data journalism this week involves an analysis of how “heat islands” in Canadian cities vary based on economic strata. Our weekly Top Ten in Data Journalism also looks at the global spread of Pegasus spyware, digital inequity in the US, and how the COVID-19 pandemic affects school children in Latin America.

Reduced river gradients, higher rainfall in the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra river basins, and the melting of glaciers in the Himalayas, are considered the major reasons for migration in the context of climate change in Bangladesh over all. Credit: Moniruzzaman Sazal / Climate Visuals Countdown


GIJN’s Guide to Investigating Sea Level Rise

For journalists, explaining the causes and consequences of rising sea levels is a critical and challenging assignment. To address this aspect of the climate crisis, GIJN is publishing an extensive guide to support journalists covering the impact of rising seas around the world.

The Guardian analyzes countries' climate change pledges

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Toxic Air, Hidden Emissions, Twitter’s Algorithm, Can Data Die?

Our weekly analysis of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter highlights a story by the Financial Times into how Europe gets its natural gas and the geopolitics of this industry. In this edition, we also feature major investigations into poisonous air and underreported methane emissions by ProPublica and The Washington Post as well as eight must-read newsletters curated by

Aerial shot of Thermal, California

News & Analysis Reporting Tools & Tips

Reporting on Climate Injustice in One of the Hottest Towns in America

Climate reporter Liz Weil and visual reporter Mauricio Rodríguez Pons first became interested in Thermal, which is just north of California’s Salton Sea, because it is one of the hottest places in America. They soon realized it’s also a prime example of how wealth inequality is inextricably linked to climate justice.