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authoritarian regimes

8 posts

10 Questions

What I’ve Learned: Lessons and Advice from The Caravan’s Vinod K. Jose

For the inaugural post in our new interview series about investigative reporters operating in tough press freedom environments around the world, GIJN speaks to Vinod K. Jose, executive editor of India’s premier long-form journalism magazine, The Caravan. He tells us about the challenges of leading an intrepid team in the face of rising autocracy in the world’s largest democracy.


Video Resources for Investigating in Asia/Pacific

To share best practices and other lessons learned from our most recent global conference, we are releasing a series of videos from the event’s many seminars, panels, and workshops. This latest installment focuses on reporting tips and collaborations in the Asia-Pacific region and insights for reporting in China.

Investigative Techniques Methodology News & Analysis Reporting Tools & Tips

Investigating Sexual Assault and Abuse

In a GIJN webinar three journalists who have experience reporting on the #MeToo movement and sexual abuse told reporters how to investigate an often-hidden crime. Among their tips are preparing interviewees for the process, investigating the story doggedly, and using alternative forms of evidence to verify your story. Read these and other tips for investigating sexual abuse allegations in GIJN’s latest tipsheet.