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New GIJN Online Series Starts September 2020

বাংলা  Español

Since the start of the pandemic, GIJN has produced more than 40 free webinars in 7 languages designed for journalists covering the COVID-19 crisis. Investigating the Pandemic has covered health reporting, staying safe, disinformation, data analysis and visualization, trauma, financial survival and much more.

Come September, our new series of GIJN Online Events will offer training and resources on data journalism, open source investigation, sustainability strategies, investigating medicine and health, elections, and more, with continued coverage of the pandemic. We will be producing our own webinars and online workshops, but you will also find our speakers at major investigative journalism conferences that will be held online between September and December, including  the African Investigative Journalism Conference and the Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism forum.

September 8, Tuesday, marks the start of a four-webinar series called Digging into Disappearances: Organized Crime and Missing People, with sessions in English, French and Spanish. This is in partnership with the Resilience Fund of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. Watch our Twitter feed @gijn and newsletter for details on future events.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Here are a few of the highlights from our past webinars:

Alberto Cairo, data visualization expert, on working with complex data.
Purity Mukami, Kenyan data scientist, about journalists needing to insist on access to data.
Craig Silverman, Buzzfeed’s Media Editor, on investigating disinformation.
Safa Al Ahmad, Saudi Arabian journalist and filmmaker, on investigating from home.
Serena Tinari, investigative researcher, on evaluating the evidence in scientific studies.

What People Are Saying About GIJN’s Webinars

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