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GIJC23 Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is now CLOSED. The deadline to submit your abstract for the #GIJC23 Call for Papers was March 27, 2023. Applicants of selected research papers will be notified via email in late April, 2023.
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This is a call for submission of abstracts by March 27, 2023, of no more than 300 words for a short paper and panel presentation at the 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference. Here you can find the requirements and instructions to participate, and the submission button at the bottom of this page.

Selected research papers will be presented at the 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden from September 19 – 22, 2023.

Decisions will be made by April 15, 2023.

Final papers will be due June 30, 2023.

The accepted papers will be compiled in a digital publication for the conference — and presenters will receive invitations to attend the conference.

Topics considered include:

  • Trends in investigative reporting.
  • Trends in computer-assisted reporting and data journalism.
  • Challenges in doing investigative reporting depending on country or culture.
  • Successful methods of teaching investigative, computer-assisted, and data journalism.
  • Successful methods for collaborations in investigative reporting.
  • Applying the methods of other disciplines to investigative and/or data journalism.
  • Successful business models for investigative and data journalism.
  • Adapting investigative journalism to new technologies, such as AI, natural language processing, and machine learning.

Submission Requirements

Proposals should present original research into any aspect of the aforementioned topics in an abstract of maximum 300 words. Papers must follow APA style. If the abstract is accepted, paper length is no more than 15 pages (excluding references, tables, and appendices).

Papers should not have been published or presented at a prior conference.


  1. Paper must be written in English.
  2. Paper must be in the format of Microsoft Word (.doc or docx). No other formats will be accepted.
  3. If an abstract is accepted, paper must be formatted to APA style and no longer than 15 pages (excluding references, tables, appendices).
  4. Papers should be sent with the title, but without the author’s identifying information. Please send a separate title page with the authors’ contact information. This will ensure a fair and unbiased selection process.


The conference fee of US$330 will be waived for all selected presenters, but unfortunately we are unable to cover accommodation, visa, and travel costs. Presenters should reach out to their own institution of employment for such funding.

If you experience any problems in submitting your paper or have any questions, please contact us at

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