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call for papers

3 posts

GIJC23 Call for Papers

This is a call for submission of abstracts by March 27, 2023, of no more than 300 words for a short paper and panel presentation at the 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference.

Global Conference: Call for Research Papers / Abstracts

The ninth Global Investigative Journalism Conference, to be held this October 8-11 in Lillehammer, Norway will feature again an academic research track, highlighting trends, challenges, teaching methodologies, and best practices in investigative journalism. Here is the call for papers that is going out to journalism professors worldwide.


Global Conference: Call for Research Papers

The eighth Global Investigative Journalism Conference, to be held this October 12-15 in Rio de Janeiro, will feature for the first time an academic research track, highlighting trends, challenges, teaching methodologies, and best practices in investigative journalism.