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Resource Video

GIJC23 – Measuring Impact

Watchdog reporting makes a critical contribution to society by exposing wrongdoing, fighting corruption, and promoting accountability. But how do we measure this, and explain the value of investigative reporting to a skeptical public (and donors)? At a time of unprecedented attacks on the press, a broken financial model, and low public trust, it is critical […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Fundraising: Prospecting

Prospecting for donors is the vital process of identifying potential donors for your organization’s programs and projects. In this session, you will learn strategies and tools available to help you find donors with the financial capacity and interest to support your work. ———————– The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Fundraising: The Craft of Proposal Writing

Crafting an effective proposal starts well before the actual writing process begins. In this session, you will learn how to create a plan that takes into account the timing of the process, the colleagues whose assistance you will need, the problem that your program will address, and how you will address it. You will receive […]

Guide Resource

Prospecting and Cultivation: A Fundraising Primer

Growing your major gifts program — or getting one started in the first place — can feel like an overwhelming responsibility. The philanthropic landscape is extremely competitive, and the prospect of identifying and soliciting prospective donors can seem cumbersome and intimidating. While the non-profit journalism landscape has flourished, opening up new revenue streams and business […]

Guide Resource

Crowdfunding: Essential Reading

GIJN’s research provides tips on how to plan and carry out a crowdfunding campaign, names of national and regional crowdfunding sites, suggestions of useful tools to use. And some stories from those who have done it. At GIJN’s 2019 Hamburg conference, Tamas Bodoky of Atlatszo in Hungary, elaborated on seven suggestions (see his tipsheet): Establish […]


Fundraising: Essential Reading

Raising money to build and scale up a nonprofit investigative journalism organization is challenging. Grants and donations from philanthropic organizations and individuals are one source of funding. Here are tips and ideas from fundraising experts: NEW: MediaDev Fundraising Guide (2021) Tipsheet: Fundraising Research Resources, by Bridget Gallagher, from a presentation at GIJC19. Inside Philanthropy: Who’s […]


Fundraising: More Reading

Media philanthropy in Germany on the rise ‘When money is offered, we listen’: foundation funding and nonprofit journalism Fundraising like reporting: How eight nonprofit newsrooms majorly increased their major gifts Journalism Funders Confidential: Monthly newsletter with insights into some of the major forces currently shaping philanthropy and journalism in Europe 50,000 first-time donors? Here’s how […]


Crowdfunding for Journalists

At a time when the media is struggling to support serious journalism, investigative reporters increasingly are turning to crowdfunding. The field is growing quickly and success stories abound, but the challenges are many. For our latest resource page, GIJN has gathered tips and strategies from the best sites and blogs, and done a guide to global and regional crowdfunding sites most suited for journalists. Let us know what we’ve missed!


Crowdfunding: Case Studies

How Germany’s Journalists Built a Crowdfunding Campaign to Save Russia’s Meduza, GIJN Crowdfunding Campaigns Give Boost to Independent Czech Media, GIJN Behind Journalism’s Top Crowdfunding Campaign, GIJN How the Correspondent crowdfunded $2.5m in 29 days Engaged Journalism Journalism crowdfunding platform PressPatron named hottest media industry tech start-up by NZ Marketing Magazine New Zealand Herald Platform […]

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