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attacks on journalists

19 posts

10 Questions

What I’ve Learned: Lessons and Advice from a Veteran of the Panama Papers Investigation

Several years ago a whistleblower reached out to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung with an enticing message: “Hello, this is John Doe… Interested in data?” That story would become the Panama Papers, the first in a number of international collaborations for investigative reporter Frederik Obermaier. Read his tips and advice about investigative reporting.

News & Analysis

Who Was Behind the Killing of Sri Lankan Journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge?

The renowned Sri Lankan journalist was driving to his office when motorcycle riders stopped his car and bludgeoned him to death in broad daylight on the streets of Colombo in 2009. Now, a former detective who ran an official probe into the attack has given new testimony, raising questions about who may have been complicit in the killing.

News & Analysis

Online Harassment of Journalists: RSF’s 25 Recommendations

A new report by Reporters Without Borders is helping to shed light on the latest danger for journalists – threats and insults on social networks that are designed to intimidate them into silence. The organization has put forth these 25 recommendations for governments, international organizations, online platforms, media companies and advertisers to respond to these virulent online campaigns.

News & Analysis

South Africa’s State of Surveillance: How Journalists Are Targets for Spying

There is a growing body of evidence that state spies have been targeting journalists in South Africa. Murray Hunter from the Right2Know Campaign, writes for GIJN about their recently released report which looks at 10 case studies of surveillance against journalists to unpack what happened, how it happened and which parties appear to be responsible.