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Data Journalism

640 posts

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for July 18-24: Trump and more Trump (@chiquiesteban, @washingtonpost); data-driven justice (@Esri); create your own database (@flexiodata); Onodo data viz tool (@civio); wind map (@planetlabs); German commutes (@zeitonline).

Data Journalism Methodology Reporting Tools & Tips

New Tools Open Up Virtual Reality to Journalists

When Gustavo Cerati, a legendary Argentinian musician and songwriter, was asked to share his best advice for new musicians, he refused—saying instead that “experiences are not transferable.” You may agree or may not with his statement, but if you’ve ever worn an Oculus Rift or a similar virtual reality (VR) headset, you’ll know we are getting closer and closer to transferable experiences.


A Tour Of Aleph, A Data Search Tool For Reporters

In a short story by Jorge Luis Borges, the Aleph is a point in space that contains all others. To those who see it, it presents the entire universe at once — an investigative reporter’s dream. Over the past six months, I’ve been working for OCCRP to produce a tool named after this mythical object. It’s based on a prototype I hacked up as part of my 2014 Knight International Journalism Fellowship, and it has now grown into a data research tool as part of the Investigative Dashboard.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for July 7-11: Our World in Data (@MaxCRoser); narrating networks (@JWYG); sentences off the grid (@edwardtufte); FiveThirtyEight’s ddj workflow with R (@FiveThirtyEight); Netzwerk Recherche conference video (@spreerunde); & more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for June 23-30: Brexit data (@webk1d & @timesredbox); Aleph data search tool (@pudo); spatial data (@enjalot); digital startups & human rights (@dw_akademie); humanizing data and Mexico’s missing women (@gijn).

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for June 10-22: Voting habits of Americans (@nytimes); Eurocup players (@br_data); FT dataviz guide (@digiday); stats for journalists (@ddjournalism); #ddj awards recap (@smfrogers); nursing homes in Germany (@source); & more.

Data Journalism

Humanizing Data: Using Numbers AND People

With the growing relevance and popularity of data journalism, it may be easy to prioritize numbers over people, and spend our time emphasizing the data through graphics, maps, charts, and other visual products. But sometimes the faces and names behind the data get lost. Fortunately, we have some guiding lights to keep us on the path of good journalism. Consider these highlights from the panel Humanizing Numbers at IRE16…

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for May 31-June 9: EU Swings Right (@NYtimes); #ddj newsrooms (@niemanlab); German commutes (@zeitonline); French police violence (@BuzzFeedFrance); Dataharvest HackDay (; Ethnic America (@WashingtonPost); & more.

Data Journalism Methodology Reporting Tools & Tips

My Data Is Dirty! Basic Spreadsheet Cleaning Functions

In an extract from his book Finding Stories with Spreadsheets Paul Bradshaw explains how to use basic cleaning functions in spreadsheets to make it easier to combine data, including a case study where the same functions were used to speed up a research process for a story.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for May 23-30: a racist algorithm (@ProPublica); Spain’s female politicians (@elespanolcom); German anti-refugee violence (@Julian_Moe); US election (@ddjournalism); satellite imagery (@webk1d); and more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for May 13-24: Best dataviz of the year (@Gizmodo); 85 tools for digital journos (@Journalism2ls); missing women in Mexico (@Univ_Data); how to analyze big leaks (@M_Mandalka); news graphics collection (@marijerr); & more.

Data Journalism Reporting Tools & Tips

OjoPúblico Launches Data Journalism Guide

With the aim of contributing to the promotion of data-based investigations and asserting its vision of journalism as an essential service to democracy, OjoPúblico has published “La navaja suiza del reportero. Herramientas de investigación en la era de los datos masivos” (“The Swiss Army Knife Journalist: Digital Research Tools in the Era of Big Data”), a resource for Hispanic reporters who want to become familiar with the world of data journalism and, above all, to understand its meaning and relevance in Latin America and the world.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for May 3-12: #ddj awards (@GENinnovate); China’s EU stereotypes (@foreignpolicy); Atlantic slave trade (@slate); French employment (@Data_Match); Germany’s green cities (@morgenpost); bubble maps (@datawrapper); & more.

Data Journalism

Open Data Movement Reaches Turning Point

Only one-tenth of national data is really open and free, according to the third annual Open Data Barometer by the World Wide Web Foundation. “The open data movement is at a turning point,” the report finds. “If we allow this moment to slip away, however, open data could fade into a ghost town of abandoned pilots, outdated data portals, and unused apps.”

Data Journalism Methodology

The People and the Technology Behind the Panama Papers

The trove of files that make up the Panama Papers is likely the largest dataset of leaked insider information in the history of journalism. For ICIJ’s Data and Research Unit, it offered a unique set of challenges. The overall size of the data (2.6 terabytes, 11.5 million files), the variety of file types (from spreadsheets, emails and PDFs to obscure and old formats no longer in use), and the logistics of making it all securely searchable for more than 370 journalists around the world are just a few of the hurdles faced over the course of the 12 month investigation.

Data Journalism

Open Sources, Big Opportunity for Truth

Facebook and Google and their humongous data crunching machines flourish while fine media wilt. How to compete? They take media’s original costly-to-produce-content for free and make it available to users to circulate, anticipating their needs with their intelligent algorithms.

Data Journalism Reporting Tools & Tips

25 Tips for Everyday Digging

Some of the best tips and techniques come out of the annual meetings by our colleagues in Scandinavia, and this year is no different. More than 600 participants attended the SKUP conference in Tønsberg, Norway, on April 8-10. Among the tip sheets presented was this gem of 25 practical tips that reporters in even the smallest newsrooms can use to good effect, focused on finding great characters and cases to bring your story to life.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for April 26-May 2: Pirated Papers (@sciencemagazine); Panama Papers tech (@ICIJorg); Europe Open Research (@ddjournalism); Water Webinar (@code4africa); 6 Data Story Rules (@DataScienceCtrl); German E-Cars (@BR24); & more.

Data Journalism Methodology

Investigating Uber Surge Pricing: A Data Journalism Case Study

The story published in the Washington Post’s Wonkblog ended up being about race, but it didn’t start out that way. Nick Diakopoulos, who leads the lab, wrote for the Wonkblog last year with a story on how surge pricing motivates Uber drivers to move to those surging areas, but does not increase the number of drivers on the road as Uber claims.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for April 19-25: Amazon delivery & race (@business); Cartodb.js map (@maartenzam); ICIJ slides (@cabralens); SRF data GITHUB (@SRF); France immigrant dataviz (@data_match); Flint’s water (@nytimes); and more.

Data Journalism Reporting Tools & Tips

A Data Journalism Expert’s Personal Toolkit

People regularly ask what tools to use or what programming language to learn for data-driven journalism (ddj). There is no right answer for it, especially considering that technology and tools available are evolving quickly in the field.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for April 2-11: Behind the Panama Papers Investigation (@ICIJorg, @SZ); Best #ddj on taxes (@OKFN); Spies in the Sky (@BuzzFeed); EU Data Journalism Manifesto (@medium); World scientific collaboration (@storybench); & more.

Data Journalism Methodology

Behind the Panama Papers: A Q&A with ICIJ Director Gerard Ryle

“Hello,” wrote the anonymous source to a German newspaper, “this is John Doe. Interested in data?” Thus began what would soon become an international financial investigation into what are being called the Panama Papers—an investigation so massive that even whistleblower Edward Snowden, on Twitter, called it the “biggest leak in the history of data journalism.”

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for March 20- April 1: ddj without borders (@Maid_Marianne); time-lapses basics (@vimeo); Berlin bikelanes (@morgenpost); data ebook (@jonathanstray); North Korea missiles (@bbc); death penalty stats (@guardian); and more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for March 14-21: undercovered stories (@JigsawTeam); NICAR links (@MacDiva); Madrid conference (@JPDatos); podcasts (@carlapedret); GEN Awards (@GENinnovate); R for annotations (@hrbrmstr); German elections (@zeitonline).

Data Journalism

The Best Five Podcasts About Data Journalism

Podcast are a great way to find out stories and to be entertained. However, have you ever thought about using them to learn data journalism? In this list, I have collected some of the best podcast about data. Some are specifically about data journalism, whereas others approach data from an innovative perspective.