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GIJN Bookshelf: Investigative Titles for Your 2022 Reading List

The year 2022 has seen a number of noteworthy books about investigative journalism, from going undercover to dig into corruption to investigating the underbelly of the global migration crisis, and from a deep dive into dodgy COVID contracts to a book from Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa.

2022 New Books to Read

GIJN Bookshelf: 7 Investigative Titles to Read in 2022

This latest installment of the GIJN Bookshelf includes recommendations from our global editorial team, and features titles on uncovering COVID-19 corruption, tracking the assassination of a reporter, a historical look at a pioneering female investigative journalist, and unraveling the mystery of disappearing jumbo jet that shocked the world.

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GIJN Bookshelf: A Dozen Books for Muckrakers in 2021

At GIJN we’re fortunate to come across various books and reports on the state of the news media and great investigative reporting. Here are 12 of the more interesting recent volumes we’ve found that investigative journalists might want to pick up in 2021, as well as a novel written by an investigative reporter for a little light relief.