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5 posts

News & Analysis

IndonesiaLeaks: Officials Attack First Investigative Report From Whistleblower Platform

Top officials in Indonesia are dismissing the first collaborative investigative report from IndonesiaLeaks, which was released earlier this month. The report, which implicated a top police official in a bribery case, has resulted in a massive social media campaign aimed at discrediting the investigation, while one of the group’s media partners was hit by a denial of service attack, knocking it offline for several hours.

IndonesiaLeaks: New Platform for Whistleblowers and Muckrakers

Ten media houses and five civil society organizations have come together to form IndonesiaLeaks, a digital platform for whistleblowers. The secure online platform is crucial in Indonesia due to the lack of whistleblower protection schemes. Those who take risks leaking information on offenses happening in their institutions are often prosecuted and intimidated.

Indonesia’s Tempo Leads Asia into Cross-Border Collaborations

Newsrooms in Asia have traditionally worked alone, guarding their sources and tip-offs fiercely and keeping their stories and investigations in-house. However, after attending GIJN’s Asian Investigative Journalism Conferences and participating in the global Panama Papers investigation, Indonesia’s top newsweekly and leading investigative outlet Tempo have been inspired to pursue their own cross-border collaborations.