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5 posts

News & Analysis

Tips from the Pros: Investigating Raw Materials Traders in Switzerland

A haven of banking secrecy for decades, Switzerland has now become a land of raw materials trading. Most of the private hydrocarbon trading giants have set up their headquarters in Geneva. But unlike banks, which have to comply with international standards on money laundering and tax fraud these trading companies are accountable to virtually no one.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Global Protests, Baseball Returns, 17-Year Bugs, High-Tech COVID Masks, Vaccine Inequality

The consequences of the global pandemic, including job crises and deepening inequalities, have ignited a new wave of protest movements over the past year. But over the past decade, there were at least 900 protest events that each drew more than 10,000 participants, according to a project by Al Jazeera’s graphics team. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 29 to April 4, which tracks the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter, also features an analysis of migration trends by The Financial Times, a story about the next generation of face masks by The Wall Street Journal, and a remarkable sound visualization of COVID-19’s impact in Switzerland using a music box.

News & Analysis

Editor’s Pick: 2020’s Best Investigative Stories in French

As part of our annual Editor’s Pick series, read on to discover the best investigations in French published this year and selected by GIJN French Editor Marthe Rubio and GIJN Francophone Africa Editor Maxime Domegni.  

News & Analysis

The 20 Leading Digital Predators of Press Freedom Around the World

Reporters Sans Frontieres published, for the first time, a list of press freedom’s 20 worst digital predators in 2020. Whether state offshoots, private-sector companies, or informal entities, they reflect a reality of power at the end of the 21st century’s second decade, in which investigative reporters and other journalists who cause displeasure risk being the targets of predatory activity by often hidden actors.