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Novaya Gazeta

7 posts

News & Analysis

Nobel Winner Muratov: Be an Investigative Reporter, and Fight for a Better World

In his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of Russia’s leading independent media outlet, Novaya Gazeta, said: “The award today goes to the entire community of investigative journalists.” Four days later — in a webinar interview with GIJN — Muratov set out the true stakes for investigative journalists who now share that high honor.

Global Shining Light Finalist: The Brotherhood of Killers and Cops (Russia)

In the run-up to the 2019 Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg this September 26 to 29, we’re featuring one Global Shining Light Award finalist per day. Check out “The Brotherhood of Killers and Cops,” by Novaya Gazeta and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.

Global Shining Light Finalist: The Kremlin Cook’s Toys (Russia)

In the run-up to the 2019 Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg this September 26 to 29, we’re featuring one Global Shining Light Award finalist per day. Check out “The Kremlin Cook’s Toys,” by Denis Korotkov for and Novaya Gazeta.

Case Studies

How They Did It: The Real Russian Journalists Who Exposed the Troll Factory in St. Petersburg

The reason we know so much about Russian disinformation operations targeting the United States is that some Russian journalists are very good at their jobs. What the world learned about these trolls, it turns out, came not from social media firms, governments or Western media, but from enterprising Russian journalists. Here’s how they first uncovered the Russian troll factory.

The Radio Station Under Attack in Putin’s Russia

Often referred to as the only independent radio station in Russia, Echo Moskvy has been subjected to state pressure for some time, but 2017 was particularly bad. One radio host was almost killed, two journalists went into in exile and several more were detained in the course of their work.