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5 posts

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Merkel’s Legacy, Russia’s Politics, Korea’s Missiles, Melting Ice Archives

Tracking the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter from September 13 to September 19, using NodeXL mapping and our own human curation, we found projects by Reuters and the German newspaper Morgenpost analyzing Merkel’s legacy in numbers. In this edition, we also feature a story looking into North and South Korea’s missile programs, a piece on school segregation in the United States, and more worrying climate change revelations.

News & Analysis

Double Exposure: 5 Investigative Documentaries to Watch

The Double Exposure film festival showcases the creative work of reporters and filmmakers who pursue investigations in the public interest. From a film shot in Wuhan’s hospital wards to an investigation into the murder of a member of North Korea’s ruling family, here are five of the top investigative documentaries featured at this year’s festival.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: North Korea Ghost Ships, Trolls Attack WHO, Al Pacino’s Wardrobe, COVID Air Travel

Satellite imagery has become increasingly useful in establishing evidence of human rights abuses and in shining a light on dubious activities being conducted in secretive parts of the world. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from August 17 to 23 finds NBC News utilizing satellite data to solve a long-standing mystery about North Korean “ghost boats” washing up on Japanese shores, The New York Times analyzing footfall data to determine how the coronavirus pandemic has influenced consumer spending, and Bellingcat revealing a coordinated network of attacks on Twitter against the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Data Journalism Reporting Tools & Tips

Research Desk: Nuclear, Health Databases, New Int’l Reports

Time for a new collection of resources and research reports. Today’s roundup features two online databases — one on nuclear reactors, the other on health — and the latest international research reports from Brussels, London, and Washington. Global Health Facts from the Kaiser Family Foundation is an organized and frequently updated collection of browsable and searchable data.