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illegal wildlife trade

4 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

Asian Journalism Collaborations Break New Ground

Cross-border collaborations allow newsrooms to pool resources and overcome financial hurdles. On the fourth day of GIJC21, journalists based in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, and Malaysia offered tips for conducting successful collaborative reporting projects.

News & Analysis

Beyond Elephants and Rhinos: Tips For Covering Wildlife Trafficking

Wildlife crime doesn’t just impact wildlife, it undermines security, promotes corruption and other illegal cross-border activities, but it remains under-covered. In a session at the GIJC21, a team of experienced wildlife crime journalists explained why more focus should be given to these crimes, and offered tips on how to go beyond the stories on iconic species such as elephants.


Expert Tips for Following Ships, Smugglers and Supply Chains

Ace investigators Giannina Segnini, Pulitzer Prize-winning AP reporter Martha Mendoza and independent investigative journalist Bryan Christy offer up tips on how to find stories in shipping data, as well as resources for tracking ships, smugglers and supply chains.