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5 posts

Tips on Far Right and Dirty Tricks Groups from #gijnElectionWatchdog

In week three of GIJN’s project to arm reporters with tools to tackle the toughest US election stories, #gijnElectionWatchdog includes three little-known election “killer apps” – one to zero in on coordination behind disinformation; one to assess foreign interference; and one to dig into far right groups bent on intimidating voters.

Election Tips from #gijnElectionWatchdog Week 2

In week two of #gijnElectionWatchdog, GIJN’s project to arm US reporters with effective tools for election accountability coverage included a comprehensive election equipment database, campaign finance deep access, daily time-saving tools, and the rules for all 50 states in a single spreadsheet.

GIJN Webinar — The US Election: Digging into Disinformation

In this GIJN webinar, “The US Election: Digging into Disinformation,” the second of two that focus on the US Election, we bring together three extraordinary journalists who will share their analysis of the election info wars —  and their tips for navigating the tsunami of disinformation while investigating in the public interest.

GIJN Webinar — The US Election: What’s at Stake

United States’ government actions and policies at home and abroad affect people’s lives around the world. The outcome of the upcoming November election — not only for president but for the US Congress — will have global impact. In this GIJN webinar “The US Election: What’s At Stake”, the first of two focusing on the US Election, we bring together three American journalists who are digging into American politics to find out what’s at stake and what journalists need to investigate.

GIJN Launches Daily Election Watchdog Alert

The stakes for the US election on November 3 are enormous — not just for Americans, but for the rest of the world. So, for the next two months, GIJN will be producing a daily stream of tips and tools most useful to reporters on the campaign front lines.