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Award Recipients

32 posts

Investigations From Peru, Philippines, South Africa Win Global Shining Light Award

Stories on Latin American corruption, extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, and state capture in South Africa won the eighth Global Shining Light Awards, announced tonight at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg, Germany. The prize honors investigative journalism conducted in developing or transitioning countries, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions.

News & Analysis

Your Weekend Documentary Viewing: Finalists for the 2019 DIG Awards

The fifth edition of DIG Festival, the annual international conference that celebrates and awards the best investigative documentaries in the world, is fast approaching. The jury, chaired this year by Naomi Klein, will pick and announce the winners in Riccione, Italy during the festival, from May 30 to June 2.

Most Popular Resources on GIJN in 2018

GIJN is constantly on the lookout for the best tipsheets, reporting gudies, how-to stories, and videos, then collating and integrating it into ever-growing Resource Center. Following is a curated list of the top 10 most popular resources accessed by journalists on our site in 2018.


GIJN Launches Migration Resource Package

GIJN has created a four-part package of resources on migration, including a virtual library with dozens of major reports on the causes of migration, reporting guidelines, a list of journalism awards on migration and recent award-winning investigations.

News & Analysis

Investigative Journalism Awards to Apply For Now!

Worked hard to produce investigative projects this past year? Consider submitting your story for these prominent journalism awards, which are listed below and ordered by the nearest deadline. But hurry, some deadlines are coming soon!

News & Analysis

Finalists Named for Global Shining Light Award

Twelve extraordinary investigative projects from around the world are finalists in the seventh Global Shining Light Award, a prize that honors investigative journalism in developing or transitioning countries, done under threat, duress or under dire conditions. Winners will be announced at #GIJC17 in November in Johannesburg.

News & Analysis

GIJN Honored with Freedom of Expression Award

Today, on World Press Freedom Day, GIJN was honored with its first award, the Difference Day Honorary Title for Freedom of Expression. Awarded by two prominent Brussels universities, VUB and ULB, the Honorary Title is given annually “to a journalist, writer, artist, cultural thinker or any other person, association or institution that has made a vital contribution to protect and promote freedom of thinking and expression in an ever changing, democratic society.”

News & Analysis

Human Rights Stories Shine at COLPIN Awards

Investigations into extrajudicial killings, violent conflicts over land and timber, and trafficking of cultural heritage items took home the top three prizes at the 2016 Latin American Investigative Journalism Award (#COLPIN2016), held in Panama last weekend. The jury also highlighted the existence of networking, collaborative, and transnational work methodologies streaming from data journalism

News & Analysis

IRE’s Meyer Awards Honor Best Use of Social Science

A data-driven investigation that exposed the human cost of school re-segregation in central Florida is the first-place winner of the 2015 Philip Meyer Journalism Award. Investigations that explored the growth of diversity in American cities and revealed the small cadre of attorneys who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court docket are also top winners. The Meyer Award, given annually by Investigative Reporters and Editors, recognizes the best use of social science methods in journalism.