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This Week’s Top Ten in Data Journalism

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from November 27 to December 3 has @journocode‘s festive data-driven advent calendar with tutorials and interviews, @FT mapping cities at risk of natural disasters affecting property prices, and a #VisualizationUniverse by Google News Lab and Adioma.

Data-Driven Advent Calendar

Countdown to Christmas with Journocode’s delightful advent calendar and get a data-driven surprise everyday till December 24th!

Natural Disasters: Property Price Time Bomb

Property prices continue to rise in at-risk cities, but how long will that last? Financial Times tackles the story of the “cascading effects” of storms, earthquakes, wildfires and more natural disasters that may influence real estate.

Visualizing… Visualizations

An interactive visualization about the world of visualizations itself. Google News Lab and Adioma catalogued all recognized visualization types and then compared them by search interest to see which ones are most popular. More information here.

How Data Journalism Will Save Open Data

Technologist Giuseppe Sollazzo believes that data journalism is keeping the flame of transparency burning and enabling operational transformation — and in doing so, it is saving open data.

Apps that Tell Open Data Stories

At the “EU Datathon 2017,” teams were challenged to create applications that showcased stories related to three key priorities for the European Union: jobs, growth and investment; the digital single market; and democratic change. Here are the top 3 apps.

Visualizing Senate Voting Similarities

Gramener, a data science firm based in India published a visualization of voting similarities in the Senate. The tool allows you to find out the similarity in voting patterns of senators of the 115th Congress.

Trump’s Tweet Density

Dan Snow plotted Trump’s tweets by time and density and compared it to the airtime of Fox & Friends, a daily morning conservative news/talk program. Interestingly, Trump tweets a lot during Fox & Friends airtime in 2017.

Data Journalism Dictionary

Navigating the field of data journalism with its unique terminology can be hard. Journocode’s Data Journalism Dictionary explains technical terms from fields like programming, web development, statistics and graphics design in a way that every journalist and beginner can understand them.

Visualization at Eurostat

Data visualization expert Alberto Cairo gives an insight into the cool data stuff being produced at Eurostat, a platform for European statistics.

Python Package for CARTO

CARTO released CARTOframes — a Python package for interacting with CARTO that’s built specifically with data scientists in mind. It allows one to create data-driven maps without leaving the Python environment.

Thanks, once again, to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them.

For a look at Marc Smith’s mapping on #ddj on Twitter, check out this map.

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