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Global Shining Light Award Nominations Open

In October 2013, the Global Investigative Journalism Conference will again present the Global Shining Light Award, a unique award which honors investigative reporting in a developing or transitioning country, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions.


Winners of the 2011 Global Shining Light Award — for exposing extraordinary corruption in Brazil’s Parana state legislature.

(To read this announcement in Spanish, click here.)

The award will be announced and presented at the Global Conference, held October 12 to 15, 2013, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The winner receives an honorary plaque, US$1,000, and a free trip to the Global Conference.

Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2013.


The journalist, journalism team, or media outlet provided independent, investigative reporting, which:

  • Originated in and affected a developing or emerging country
  • Was broadcast or published between April 2, 2011 and December 31, 2012;
  • Was of an investigative nature;
  • Uncovered an issue, wrong-doing, or system of corruption which gravely affected the common good;
  • And did so in the face of arrest, imprisonment, violence against them and their families, or threats and intimidation

Submissions must include the following

  • A nomination letter in English, listing the journalist’s name (or team member names), and name of his/her media organization with address, telephone number, fax and email.
  • The letter should provide a brief summary of the entry topic, explaining the importance of the story, the challenges faced in reporting it, and the political or social impact it made upon its broadcast or publication.
  • One copy of the published entry or one copy of the broadcast material with a copy of the script

NOTE: If the original entry is not in English, a full translation or lengthy summary of its key findings must be provided in English. If this is not available, the story will not be eligible for judging.

Send entries by email or regular post to:

Shining Light Award

c/o Kate Willson

2240 NW 29th St.

Corvallis, Or 97330 USA


The Global Shining Light Award is sponsored by the Global Investigative Journalism Network, an association of 80 nonprofit groups in nearly 40 countries that work to support and spread investigative reporting.

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