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Member Profiles

39 posts

Member Profiles

CORRECTIV, Germany’s First Nonprofit Newsroom, Leads With Innovative Journalism

CORRECTIV boasts a €4 million annual budget, a staff of 60, and has become one of the world’s largest nonprofit centers for investigative journalism. As founder David Schraven had hoped, the outlet has delivered blockbuster investigations and trained aspiring journalists, as well as staged plays and exhibitions inspired by current affairs that serve to bridge the gap between art and news.

Member Profiles News & Analysis

Sujag: Investigative Journalism from the Margins of Power in Pakistan

Sujag, a long-form digital investigative journalism platform in Pakistan, is committed to highlighting voices from the margins. With recent stories on child marriage, acid attacks, and why women from poor communities are finding it so difficult to access coronavirus vaccinations, Sujag’s editors proudly say their journalistic ethos prioritizes “siding with the marginalized” over neutrality.

News & Analysis

A Cross-Border Collaboration Exposes Digital Sex Crimes in Asia

How did a team of reporters across Asia investigate digital sex crimes, and what did they learn about interviewing victims of image-based abuse during their deep dive into this phenomenon? Sarah Karacs speaks to the team to find out how the collaboration worked, and what they learned about a phenomenon of growing concern worldwide.

Member Profiles

Under Attack: El Faro’s Gutsy Reporting in Latin America

Since 1998, El Faro has fought for accountability in El Salvador, a Central American country saddled with stubborn poverty, a history of civil conflict, and pervasive criminal gangs. But after decades of investigating criminal organizations, corruption, and illegal practices by security forces, the newspaper might be facing one of its greatest challenges yet.

News & Analysis

How Nonprofit Newsrooms Pioneered In-Depth Healthcare Coverage Before the Pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic took hold last year, editors scrambled to rapidly assemble teams to cover the crisis. Steps ahead were the outlets already dedicated to investigating health as a subject who knew how to source and build networks of public health and vaccine experts, and crucially, how to investigate both the science and the politics behind the pandemic response. 

News & Analysis Press Freedom

Smear Campaigns, Oligarch Media, and Street Gangs: Serbia’s Embattled Investigative Media Are a Warning to the World

Serbia’s investigative nonprofits face an extraordinary array of threats and harassment due to a new model in which autocrats outsource repression to oligarchs, pro-government media, street gangs, and other proxies. In a series of interviews, three leading editors told GIJN about the sinister tactics they face, and the determination required to keep accountability alive.