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Surfers gather Image: Lachlan Gardiner, Creative Commons, Climate Visuals Countdown


Climate Accountability

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Today, there is plenty of beat reporting and feature writing about the world’s climate crisis. But what’s missing are the investigative journalists, the ones who follow the money and hold corporations and governments accountable for what they have done – and what they haven’t done. GIJN is working to change this.

Our Climate Accountability Project launched with two reporter’s guides in 2022 – one on investigating sea level rise and the other on investigating methane emissions. Both guides offer journalists practical tips on where to find data and sources, with past investigations for inspiration. We’ve joined the guides with a series of workshops, including a full-day strategy session at our Global Conference, which will set an investigative agenda for journalists working on the climate crisis.

GIJC21, COP26 protest

News & Analysis

Challenges in Climate Change Coverage Remain: Report from COP26

Among five leading environmental journalists who covered COP26, there is cautious optimism, but also a recognition that there is still much to be done. Speaking at the GIJC21, they highlighted a wide range of topics related to climate change that are still underreported by newsrooms around the world.