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4 posts

Case Studies

A Curated List of GIJN’s Top Stories from 2022

In 2022, many of GIJN’s original stories focused on reporting techniques relevant to global threats that grew or emerged this year — including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, democratic decline, growth of far-right populism, the challenge of accountability journalism in the Arabian Gulf, abuse of migrants and minorities, and the exiling, assault, and legal harassment of independent media.

Plagiarism definition, close up view dictionary

Case Studies

Uncovering a Plagiarism Scandal Among the Romanian Elite

Emilia Șercan has spent the last seven years writing dozens of investigations about alleged plagiarism and academic fraud in the doctorates of Romania’s elites. Her investigations have found evidence of copying from famous authors and other students’ in the work of the current Romanian prime minister as well as the ministers of defense, health, and education, a number of university rectors, police chiefs and army generals, prosecutors, and judges.

Meet the Watchdog Scientists Battling Dubious Scientific Research

Fraudulent, plagiarized or otherwise shoddy research is an increasing problem across all scientific disciplines — particularly in China — and can catch like wildfire. Australian Professor Jennifer Byrne and her French colleague Cyril Labbé, as well as projects like Retraction Watch, are fighting back.