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Paradise Papers

5 posts

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Pioneers at Work Across Southeast Asia

Despite the threats posed by misinformation and limited funding, grassroots efforts to build skills and literacy in data journalism and data visualization are bearing fruit in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines — a trend sparked partly by a hunger for information around COVID-19.

Reporting Tools & Tips

10 Tips for Successful Collaboration Among Journalists

Journalism collaborations across news organizations have reaped countless benefits in recent years, resulting in more accurate and impactful reports, offering protection for professionals in danger and making possible stories which would have been impossible stories to do alone. Here is top notch advice, crowdsourced from collaborations with more than 500 journalists around the world.

Stiglitz on Trump, Truth, Inequality and Investigative Journalism

Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz spoke to a room packed with investigative journalists from around the world at the #GIJC17 closing keynote address at Wits University’s Great Hall in Johannesburg about Trump, truth, inequality and the importance of investigative journalism.

News & Analysis

The Essential #GIJC17 Cheat Sheet

And we’re off! This evening in Johannesburg at the University of the Witwatersrand, we’ll be kicking off four days of unadulterated investigative journalism. For those of you who couldn’t make it to Joburg, here’s how to follow us from home, as well as highlights of #GIJC17.