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Open Source

25 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

Document of the Day: Bellingcat’s Open Source Digital Forensics Tools

Bellingcat, a UK-based open source and social media investigation site, put together a seriously impressive comprehensive list of open source verification and research tools. It includes satellite and mapping services, tools for verifying photos and videos, websites to archive hyperlinks and much more. Dig in!

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are top links for Oct 24-30: Clinton/Trump facial analysis (@benheubl ); 10K edits to Clinton/Trump Wikipedia pages (@chrisalcantara); Amnesty 36-year dataviz (@jwyg); Latinos in office (@UnivisionData); open source tools (@M_Mandalka); & more.

Data Journalism Methodology Reporting Tools & Tips

Getting Started in Online, Open-Source Investigations

At First Draft, we frequently receive emails from a whole range of people asking how they can start doing the sort of online open-source investigation and verification that they’ve seen us doing. The skills and methodologies used are all something that can be learnt through a little persistence, but here are a few pieces of advice to get you started.

Data Journalism Methodology

Investigating Uber Surge Pricing: A Data Journalism Case Study

The story published in the Washington Post’s Wonkblog ended up being about race, but it didn’t start out that way. Nick Diakopoulos, who leads the lab, wrote for the Wonkblog last year with a story on how surge pricing motivates Uber drivers to move to those surging areas, but does not increase the number of drivers on the road as Uber claims.