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19 posts

Data Journalism News & Analysis

Sigma Awards: 10 Lessons for Data Journalists Around the World

The Sigma Awards celebrate the best in data journalism from around the world. Speaking at the Perugia International Journalism Festival, three of the founders of the award highlighted the best projects of recent years and pointed to what journalists can learn from these data stories.

Satellite imagery of the Amazon forest

Investigative Techniques Reporting Tools & Tips

Journalists’ Guide to Using AI and Satellite Imagery for Storytelling

Satellite imagery provides information that can enhance the ability to write compelling narratives about the state of our planet, cutting across multiple beats. But such a tool tends to be complex and out of the reach for many journalists, so this guide offers a process that reporters interested in covering the climate crisis can use for story projects.

Indian women protest sexual violence

Data Journalism Methodology News & Analysis

Tips for Investigating Hate Crimes and Violence When Government Data Sources Fail

Journalist Rachel Chitra used news reports to build a database on hate crimes and violence in India. Here she gives tips for reporters facing a data gap, and offers lessons learned from her research about how journalists can reliably step in to gather, clean, and publish data when the government fails to keep track of important information.

News & Analysis

Investigating Forest Fires Amid a Data Vacuum in Venezuela

In March 2020, environmental journalist Helena Carpio, leaned out of her window to see Caracas filled with smoke. Something was burning, but no one knew where and there was no official news on what was happening. She started to investigate, and the resulting project analyzed two decades of satellite data on hotspots to explore the when, where, and why of forest fires in Venezuela and across Latin America.

News & Analysis

Tips from the Pros: Investigating Raw Materials Traders in Switzerland

A haven of banking secrecy for decades, Switzerland has now become a land of raw materials trading. Most of the private hydrocarbon trading giants have set up their headquarters in Geneva. But unlike banks, which have to comply with international standards on money laundering and tax fraud these trading companies are accountable to virtually no one.

News & Analysis

Deepfake Geography: How AI Can Now Falsify Satellite Images

With more sophisticated AI technologies emerging, researchers warn that “deepfake geography” could become a growing problem. As a result, a team of researchers that set out to identify new ways of detecting fake satellite photos warn of the dangers of falsified geospatial data and call for a system of geographic fact-checking.

Resource Tipsheet

The Forensic Methods Reporters Are Using to Reveal Attacks by Security Forces

The excessive force used against anti-racism protesters around the world, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in the US, reveals the need for more visual forensic skills in newsrooms to hold police to account. GIJN identified 12 tools and 12 methods that proved effective in several recent investigations that exposed harm done by security forces.