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legal threats

8 posts

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Fighting Back Against SLAPPs & Other Legal Threats

Journalists are facing a worldwide legal assault from a growing arsenal of abused laws, from national security and emergency edicts to libel and privacy statutes. Harassment lawsuits, while always a threat, have mushroomed in use by the rich and powerful to silence watchdog reporting. SLAPP suits (“strategic lawsuits against public participation”), are one variant and […]

News & Analysis

In a Hostile Climate, Guatemala’s Journalists Fear the Law Being Turned Against Them

The award-winning Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora is the founder of elPeriódico, a publication known for its investigations focused on government corruption. When he was arrested last year, local and international organizations called for his immediate release amid concerns of rising hostility to the press in the Central American country.

Mapping Migrant Deaths in Singapore

Data Journalism Data Journalism Top 10

Data Journalism Top 10: Migrant Deaths, Alps Skiing, Ukraine’s Outages, Deadly Deer

Our weekly NodeXL and human curation of the most popular data journalism stories looks at mapping migrant deaths in Singapore, tracking Russian airstrikes and Ukraine power outages, “authorized deforestation” in Mali and Côte D’Ivoire, and analysis of the best value when skiing in Switzerland.