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investigative Journalism

429 posts


Investigative Journalism: It’s All About Cross-Border Cooperation

Investigative journalists and other citizens interested in uncovering the organised crime and corruption that affect the lives of billions of people worldwide gain, with each passing day, unprecedented access to information. Huge volumes of information are being made available online by governments and other organisations, and it seems that the much-needed information is in everyone’s grasp. However, corrupt officials in governments and organised crime groups are doing their best to conceal information and to hide their wrongdoings.

The GIJN Top 10: Our Most Popular Stories of 2013

As 2013 nears an end, we’d like to share our top ten stories — the stories that you, our dear readers, found most compelling. The list ranges from impassioned calls for journalists to fight back to the dangers of big data, from the latest techniques for tracking business across borders to the arcane practice of plane-spotting. Please join us in taking a look at The Best of

News & Analysis

Why Investigative Journalism is Good News for News Business

I may have misled people for the last few years by saying that investigative journalism is not a business but a public service. Investigative journalism does, in fact, have commercial value. While investigative journalism may not produce the web traffic of popular topics, a media organization reaps intangible but valuable benefits. Jeff Bezos, for one, seems to appreciate that value.

You did it! You all funded the first investigative reporting fellowship

Huge thanks to all our contributors of our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. These first days have been intensely busy but rewarding, and we’re happy to say that the campaign is rolling. The global community of investigative journalists – and their supporters worldwide – have had an awesome response. So, we can officially announce that you all have funded the campaign’s first investigative reporting fellowship! But this is only the beginning, and we really need your help to bring more promising journalists.

Member Profiles

Tactical Technology Video Looks at Investigative Journalism

The Tactical Technology Collective, a Berlin-based group of tech activists, is producing a series of web documentaries on “new forms of investigative journalism.” Its first video, Our Currency Is Information, takes a look at cross-border investigative techniques through the eyes of Romanian journalist Paul Radu. The accompanying website has a transcript of the full interview with Radu, plus a worthwhile resource page with digital tools for research, security, and data visualization.

Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald To Speak at GIJC13 in Rio

Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who since June has broken a series of stories on NSA spying, will be a featured speaker at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro this October. Greenwald will talk about government secrecy and his work uncovering the NSA’s global surveillance programs.

News & Analysis

Is Investigative Reporting in ICU?

Hit by the twin blows of economic crisis and collapsing business models, newspapers and TV stations eliminated or downsized their investigative units. Yet at the same time, the muckraking spirit remains alive.

News & Analysis

ARIJ honors investigations from Mideast, North Africa

Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) honored reporters from across the region during its annual congress in November, attended by a record 300 journalists from 24 countries.