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investigative films

7 posts

News & Analysis

Q & A: Turning Our Tinder Swindler Investigation into a Netflix Hit

What does it feel like when Netflix calls to ask about turning your investigation into a documentary for a global audience? We speak to two of the Norwegian journalists behind The Tinder Swindler investigation to ask how they navigated the process and how they felt seeing their story appear on one of the world’s largest streaming platforms.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Double Exposure Film Fest Showcases Documentary Tradecraft

When 32 outstanding investigative documentaries were showcased at the Double Exposure Festival last week, one common question for attendees was this: How on Earth did the filmmakers persuade all these people to let their video cameras in? Three of the filmmakers shared their access tips.

News & Analysis

DIG Festival Honors Investigative Films That Exposed Scandals

A jury of 10 veteran journalists assembled by GIJN member DIG (Documentari Inchieste Giornalismi, Italian for Documentaries, Investigation, and Journalism) announced winners in seven categories this week. From betrayals by Western oil companies in Africa to hidden radiation poisoning and collusion between criminals and government spooks, the winning teams tackled tough topics with dogged patience and innovative approaches.

News & Analysis

Double Exposure: 5 Investigative Documentaries to Watch

The Double Exposure film festival showcases the creative work of reporters and filmmakers who pursue investigations in the public interest. From a film shot in Wuhan’s hospital wards to an investigation into the murder of a member of North Korea’s ruling family, here are five of the top investigative documentaries featured at this year’s festival.