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International Journalism Festival

10 posts

News & Analysis

How Perugia (Almost) Broke My Heart

GIJN’s managing editor Tanya Pampalone went to the International Journalism Festival Perugia last week. As she navigated the patchwork red bricked roads and listened to some of the biggest names in journalism, she considered the heart-breaking state of our broken industry which is limping along in a dystopian world of authoritarian governments and unchecked tech behemoths and wondered where we’re headed.

News & Analysis

Investigative Highlights from the Perugia Journalism Festival

Imagine a charming Italian town packed with journalists, data geeks, and students. Everywhere you go you run into old colleagues, someone you follow on Twitter, or your next partner in crime. Now add 225 sessions in beautiful century-old venues, 540 speakers from around the world, and 230 young volunteers ready to help. That about sums up the 8th International Journalism Festival in Perugia. Didn’t make it? Don’t worry, here are some highlights compiled by GIJN, including panels and tips on investigating crime, data techniques, social media, and crowdfunding. (Photo: GIJN members in Perugia from IRPI, ICIJ, OCCRP, VVOJ.)