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indigenous peoples

4 posts

Case Studies

Exposing How US Universities Profited from Indigenous Land

A joint investigation by a historian and a journalist revealed that a number of US universities were beneficiaries from land expropriated from Indigenous communities. The authors, Robert Lee and Tristan Ahtone, reveal what tools helped them uncover the story. They built a geodatabase and traced the money to find out where the land had come from and how much was paid for it.


A Resource Guide for Indigenous Journalists Doing Investigations

The Global Investigative Journalism Network and the Native American Journalists Association have created a resource to help Indigenous investigative journalists. This unique guide is designed to encourage Indigenous journalists worldwide and to empower them with tips, tools, and sources for information.

Fellowships To Attend the 11th Global Investigative Journalism Conference

The Global Investigative Journalism Network, Netzwerk Recherche and Interlink Academy are delighted to be offering, with the help of our sponsors, more than 200 fellowships to attend the premier international gathering of investigative and data journalists this year. The 11th Global Investigative Journalism Conference will be held in Hamburg, Germany from September 26 to 29, and will feature over a hundred exciting panels, workshops, and networking sessions.