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global initiative against transnational organized crime

2 posts

GIJN Webinar: Investigating Wildlife Trafficking

In this GIJN webinar, we bring together four senior reporters who will offer tips on investigative stories related to wildlife crime, showcase the best research tools, and explore how to cover trafficking at its source and follow the trade. They’ll also discuss how to use social media to investigate the illegal trafficking of wildlife, a crime that is damaging biodiversity worldwide.

How to Investigate Forced Disappearances in Latin America

How should journalists investigate what has happened to people who have disappeared? What is the best way of dealing with their families, the organized crime groups often involved in the cases, and corrupt officials? Mexican investigative journalist Marcela Turati and Óscar Martínez from El Salvador, both specialists on reporting on transnational organized crime, shared their tips during GIJN’s Spanish language webinar.