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9 posts

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Freelancing Survival Tips

Freelancing is a tough job; investigative freelancing is even harder. But it also brings independence and the ability to pick your projects. Here are tips from journalists from four countries with decades of experience in working on their own. ———————– The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations that support the […]

when to green light an investigative pitch

Investigative Techniques Methodology

When to Greenlight an Investigative Pitch — or End the Project?

Committing to a long-term investigation — also known as “greenlighting” — does not always involve a specific moment of decision. At IRE23, GIJN spoke with five veteran investigative editors to ask them what information they need before giving a project the the go-ahead.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Why Journalists Need An Archiving System

Talya Cooper spent several years working alongside journalists in a newsroom, where she witnessed some “unholy messes” of files on both physical and virtual desktops. But as she writes here, while taking good care of data requires some time and money the loss of irreplaceable reporting work can come at a higher cost.

My Favorite Tools Reporting Tools & Tips

My Favorite Tools: Sally Hayden

For our series about journalists’ favorite tools, we spoke with freelance journalist Sally Hayden, who has won multiple awards for her reporting on migration. She told GIJN’s Helen Massy-Beresford about the tools she uses to communicate securely with sources, record interviews, manage a freelance career, and more.

News & Analysis

Tips for Freelance Investigators: Finding the Story, Maximizing Earnings, and Managing Your Business 

So you’ve spent your own money to report from the field on an investigative story for which you have a modest contract. This is the moment where freelancers have an opportunity to make a true net profit, and gather the nuts for the coming financial winter. Rowan Philp rounded up tips for GIJN on how freelance investigative journalists can seek multiple sales opportunities for every reporting expedition.

Case Studies

How They Did It: Exposing Police Violence Against the Yellow Vests

For several weeks after the Yellow Vest protest movement took off in France, most major media outlets failed to report on the violent police repression of protesters. This troubling silence was shattered by the work of David Dufresne, an independent journalist who has become the main chronicler of police violence against Yellow Vests through his ongoing project “Allô Place Beauvau.” He explains how it all started with a tweet.