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drug cartel

3 posts

News & Analysis

Marcela Turati on a Career Spent Investigating Mexico’s Crisis of Missing People

Journalist Marcela Turati has spent years investigating who is responsible for the thousands of people who have gone missing in Mexico. She spoke to Revista 5W magazine about her work, the dangers of investigating corruption in the country, and why it is so difficult to try and track down who is behind violent crimes against journalists and migrants.

Case Studies

How One Reporter Uncovered the US Role in a Mexico Massacre

In 2011, Miguel Ángel Treviño and his brother Omar, two of the most wanted drug kingpins in Mexico, sent members of the criminal syndicate Zetas to murder and disappear entire families in Allende, Mexico. ProPublica’s Ginger Thompson spent two years investigating the role of the US Drug Enforcement Administration in the massacre by gaining the trust of the citizens in the town.

News & Analysis

The Great Mistake: Live in Mexico and Be a Journalist

Last month, Javier Valdez Cárdenas became the sixth member of the Mexican press to be killed in a two month period. It’s time to let the Mexican government know the international journalism community is watching: #ourvoiceisourstrength and #nuestravozesnuestrafuerza.