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Global Conference: Call for Research Papers / Abstracts

GIJC15The ninth Global IJECInvestigative Journalism Conference, to be held this October 8-11 in Lillehammer, Norway, will again feature an academic research track, highlighting trends, challenges, teaching methodologies, and best practices in investigative journalism. Here is the call for papers that is going out to journalism professors worldwide:


Investigative and Computer-Assisted Reporting Pedagogical Skills and Techniques

To be presented at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference at Lillehammer, Norway, Oct. 8-11, 2015.

This is a a call for submission of abstracts by July 8, 2015 of no more than 300 words for a short paper and panel presentation at Global Investigative Journalism Conference, Oct. 8-11, 2015 in Lillehammer, Norway

Decisions will be made by July 22, 2015.
Final papers will be due Sept. 14, 2015.

The papers will be compiled in a digital publication for the conference and accepted proposals and presenters will receive invitations to attend to the conference.

Topics considered although are not limited to:

  • Trends in computer-assisted reporting and data journalism
  • Trends in investigative reporting
  • Challenges depending on country or culture
  • Successful teaching methods
  • Adapting investigative journalism to new technologies such as mobile devices, drones and augmented reality

Submission requirements: Proposals should present original research into any aspect of the aforementioned topics. Papers must follow APA style. If abstract is accepted, page length is no more than 15 pages (excluding references, tables and appendices).

Papers should not have been published or presented at a prior conference.


* Paper must be written in English

* Paper must be in the format of Microsoft Word (.doc). No other formats will be accepted.

* If abstract is accepted, paper must be formatted to APA style and no longer than 15 pages (excluding references, tables, appendices)

* Papers should be sent with the title, but papers sent with author’s identifying information displayed will automatically be disqualified. Please send a separate title page with the authors’ contact information.

* Submit paper to: Brant Houston, University of Illinois, at

If you experience any problems in submitting your paper or have any questions, please contact us at

Guest Editors

Rosental Alves, University of Texas

Sheila Coronel, Columbia University

Steve Doig, Arizona State University

Anton Harber, University of the Witwatersrand

Brant Houston, University of Illinois
Amy Schmitz Weiss, San Diego State University

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